Smol gay child drowns in schoolworK

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school can suck mY big toe :'>
Everyone's gaydars are broke
I shine with gayness
s h i n e I tell you
s H i N e
and they're like "uR sTrAiGht"
oh hun buns
yOu dOnT knOw wHat yOu'Re tAlKiNg aBoUt
There's this really cute girl in my 6th bell ;0
I'm like
notice mE dAmnNit
but at the same time, me antisocial ass is like
"n o child, be gay quietly"
totally off topic but
there are sO mAnY fucking vsco girls & boys in my school
like the walls are c r a w l i n g with them
I'm gonna yeet myself out of my chair and do Math

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