I'vE bEeN tAgGeD

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1. EmberAmber- hApPy eArLy nEw yEaR fReN
2. I did it in 1 or2...?
3. Alrighty sO, I got into MCR like 2 years ago I think? I have horrible spelling (thanks auto correct), I'm bisexual (I put the Bi in bitch :')). Uhhh, I have two cats and two dogs, I'm a proud Slytherin and a daughter of Hades (shoo I have the power of god and anime on my side). I watch vines way too much and uhh Hot Topic is my favorite store and my favorite song of all time is Helena (So Long not Goodnight)
I tried lmao
4.  Anyone who sees this has to do it (or not, iT'S aLl gOoD bRo)
5. My life :')
6. Surprise Surprise, someone's gonna die in the X reader I'm posting soon~

Here have a picture of Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day :)

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Here have a picture of Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day :)

Here have a picture of Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day :)

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