Chapter 6- He Wants To Fix This

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I watched as JD and Kelly started to play a game, I couldn't help but smile seeing my little girl smile and I just knew she was happy to be with JD even though she doesn't know exactly who he is. I placed down a plate in the living room and sat down next to Kelly,
"Mummy how cwme you never twld me about Jwson?" Kelly asked and I just said,
"Well me and Jason had a falling out and I'm still not happy with him and I never wanted him back in my life but he just won't leave". Kelly looked at me and then looked at JD and then she grabbed some food and said,
"Yow two talk and I gwo and twake a nap" Kelly said and headed to her room. I looked at JD and then I just got up and walk away knowing I was not in the mood to get along with JD, I walked to the kitchen and started cleaning. I watched as JD walked over to me with the plate off food and sat on the beanch,
"I can see so much of you in her" JD said and I just shake my head.
"I don't see myself in her I see my mum within her more then me but then I see more of you then me" I said as I was wipping downing the beanch.

JD grabbed my hand and then he grabbed my chin with his other hand and made me look into his eyes,
"Kelly is right I shouldn't give up on trying fixing our relationship and I don't want to give up on it" JD said and I felt my heart shader a little bit more.
"Jason you lost any point of being with me again after you moved on in a heart beat only days after I died and you were not looking for who made me died so you lost all that" I said pulling away from him. JD looked sad and I knew that he didn't want to believe that there was no chance of fixing a relationship even thinking about getting back together. But then also Kelly would want us to be together if she understood but she knows that her father doesn't care for us because he doesn't know we exist or she doesn't know that he doesn't know that she doesn't exist. I gave up my life to make sure that he is happy because Slenderman wanted me to but then I came back and he lost it all and now I guess I know that he feels what I felt when he died and never reveal himself to me.
"At least I got something out of this, you know how I felt when you died and you never told me" I said and I see JD look down,
"Except I have hurt you more, I didn't tell you I was still alive but when you died I didn't stay focuse and I was weak that I needed someone but when you were in my shoes you were getting abused" JD said.

I sighed and then hugged him and I just felt my heart crumble,
"JD I can see you want to be a good dad to Kelly but Slenderman wants you to focus on what you are, you have someone in your life that wants to be with you. We are not meet to be together in this life, we are ment to be far apart and that's what we must do" I said letting him go and going back to cleaning. JD get's off the bench,
"Hearts are pleasurable sapphires you are my sapphire and my heart needs it's sapphire and I know that I hurt you but please let me make it up to you. Please let me show you everyday, every moment of our lives together and I know it will take a long time but I know I want you in my life and I want to make it up to you everyday and I want to be a dad worthy of Kelly. A dad I wish I had, a dad that you would have enjoyed having, I don't want to be my dad and I don't want to be like yours and I know you would want that too" JD said looking at me. I knew he was right that I want Kelly to have a better dad then I did and I know that I might never want JD to be her dad since I knew what he had been doing while I was pregnant and what he was doing during the year that I was raising her. Even though I knew that she would want to meet her dad but I guess it just hurts me more knowing that she might not need me as much if JD did come fully into her life.

I understand that wants me back and wants to be there for Kelly and I know he will do everything he can to make it up to me for everything I felt but I'm worried about if Slenderman finds out. If he finds out he could kill Kelly and if he kills my little girl my heart will become unfixable since my heart smashed because of JD but Kelly kept my heart together. I can't be away from her for long and I can't have her leave me or else the thing I have become will take over and I can't let that happen.
"Jason I can't, I still love you but my heart is broken from love and can only handle the love for Kelly, my heart is so fragile that even when you hugged me I already felt my heart slowly turning to dust. So even if I wanted to my heart want to be able to take it so I'm sorry" I said as I finshed cleaning and I can see JD is hurt about my words.

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