Chapter 12- Family Movie Time

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We walked inside and sat down on the couch and I turned on the tv and my little girl had already set up all the movies and a movie was already to watch. So I just hit play, my little girl snuggled in between me and JD and it is so amazing and JD sneakily grabbed my hand. I smiled slightly and I relaxed knowing that this was amazing and great, my little girl Kelly is happy and wants to enjoy this time.

JD is happy seeing his little girl happy, I'm happy since my little girl is happy and JD is holding my hand like we use to do while watching movies. It felt like the old days of just being in high school, sneaking around seeing each other and it is perfect, I can tell that Kelly and JD are happy like this and I am happy too. I kissed Kelly's head as we watched the movie and I am just so happy to have these two close to me and I don't want this to change. 

After the fifteenth movie, the third big bowl of popcorn Kelly had fallen asleep and JD had to be a sweet guy and carried Kelly to her bedroom and tucked her into bed and even kissed her head. JD came back and sat next to me and just cuddled me as we kept watching movies. I didn't realize I had missed this so much more, being in his arms, resting my head on his shoulder and it just made me so much happier. It was nice and perfect, suddenly JD made me look at him and he kissed me and my heart skipped a beat.

"I love you, Hayley, I know you are still upset about everything that happened and you saw me sleeping with another woman. I have told her I am done with her and that I don't need her anymore. She asked why I was done with her and I said I am with you I am meant to be," he said and I couldn't help but smile.

He meant it all, he would never lie like this to me, he has always had this kind side to him towards me. Only me and now our daughter as well and I can't believe he is making me fall for him more and more as he did in high school. He will always know how to make me love him again and again but there is one problem, Slenderman, and his killers that will and have tried to kill me. Slenderman knows I am alive and I have my daughter, I'm not sure if he knows that JD knows but if he doesn't he will figure it out soon and that will mean he will come after us.

"JD, me and Kelly won't be able to stay here forever, Slenderman will come after us and take me away from you and most likely take Kelly and kill me. You will never see me again so it's better I and Kelly move far away where he won't find us. So I am going to take some time to plan where me and her are going to run to and I will give you a choice. You can come run away with us or you can stay and visit us sometimes," I said knowing he will think about and give me his answer when he knows what will be better. 

JD held me tightly not wanting to let me go and I knew what he wanted to do, he wouldn't want me to leave and take his daughter from him. He can't lose me again and he can't lose more time of his daughter's life. He knew he couldn't ask me to change my mind so he knew that if he didn't want to lose us he had to come with us and he already knew that he had to go and he wanted to go.

"I will go with you, we will run far away and be free from all of this where she can have a better life and we can stay together this time," he said and I was right. I may hate him still but he has made me fall for him all over again and I know that I will never stop loving him.

"Well, then where will we run away to JD?" I asked and I could just see him thinking about knowing he has to think of our safety.

"Well we could leave the county and get a nice place and be free from here," he said with a big smile and I knew exactly what he was imaging in his head.

"Problem is we don't have any way to leave the country," I said raising an eyebrow.

"I will sort that out, all you have to do is pack cloths and food and decide where you want to go then I will sort out the rest," he said and I knew that he would pull through this. He will keep his word and it means he will make sure we are safe and that Kelly is raised is a good place where she can grow up happily. 

"Ok idiot, I can do that but we have to sort this out fast because Slenderman will be working fast to end us," I said and all he did was hold me tightly and I could feel that he wasn't going to let that happen and I knew that it was great being held in his arms and he was going to protect me. I slowly was falling asleep in his arms and I could feel him rubbing my back and sightly rocking me in his arms and I finally fell asleep in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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