Chapter 2: Monster

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The Reader is almost killed by aliens. The Doctor overreacts.

13th Doctor/F!Reader

(This fic is kind of based off the song Monster by Imagine Dragons)




That's all the Doctor could feel right now.

Pure darkness.

Maybe blowing up an entire planet was a bit uncalled for. But the darkness within the Time Lord had become too strong. All those years of just holding it in and putting on a happy face to cover it all up. It became unbearable. It was too difficult to keep it hidden. The darkness was getting stronger and stronger every minute of everyday.

Some know her as the Oncoming Storm.

The Doctor had told (Y/N) about being known as the Oncoming Storm to multiple civilizations. (Y/N) had simply laughed it off, saying, "I don't believe you. Someone as sweet and innocent as you could never do anything to harm anyone or anything intentionally."

How wrong she was.

(Y/N) felt the time machine jolt and shake around her as her ears filled with the sound of an explosion just outside of the Tardis door. The Doctor had a firm arm around the human's waist, making sure she stayed upright. The blonde's other hand darted for levers, hoping to get away from the currently exploding planet.

"Keep your eyes open, (Y/N)..." the Doctor said, worry and anger clearly lacing her words. Once she was certain that the Tardis had escaped, she quickly scooped (Y/N) up, bridal style, "You hear me? Keep. Them. Open."

(Y/N) couldn't exactly remember what had happened back on that planet. It was nice. Calm. And then suddenly a storm came out of nowhere. And so did two alien lifeforms. Both looked human but their eyes told a different story.

They weren't the friendliest duo.

They somehow knew about the Doctor. They wanted her. For experiments. For information. But most importantly, they wanted to use her as a weapon. The Doctor had laughed, obviously refusing.

But refusing turned out to be the wrong decision.

It happened fast. (Y/N) had been grabbed and she suddenly felt a searing pain through her side. Her voice was caught in her throat. Her whole body went numb as the alien had a strong grip around her. The only thing she could feel was the wet blood dripping.

The alien had hissed, threateningly, "You don't want to anger us, Doctoooor... Now... Come with us and she will be spared." The other alien had a gun pointed at the Doctor.

(Y/N) had never seen that fire in the Doctor's eyes before.

"N-No. Doc-" (Y/N) had managed to speak, but she was soon cut off. The pain increased. She felt her eyes begin to flutter.

"Let her go." the Doctor demanded, "Now."

"Do we have a deaaaal?" the alien smirked.

The Doctor's glare hardened, "No-one... Threatens me. No-one... hurts my friends. And no... We don't have a deal."

"Oh?" the alien chuckled, "Are you suuuuure?"

"If you don't let her go. You can say goodbye to this planet. You can say goodbye to your entire civilization."

"The Doctor doesn't do things like thaaaaat." the alien aiming the gun, replied.

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