32. Domare

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August 2013

"A day off," Winston said with a grin. "What are we supposed to do with that?"

We sat in the living area of our apartment. I was sprawled across the small couch and my slayer leaned against it from where he sat on the floor.

"Breakfast," I said, yawning.

"Blood," he acknowledged, pulling off his t-shirt and discarding it on the green carpet. There was something else on his mind, though. "And I was wondering."

"You want to try drinking from me again," I caught on, smiling. "I know I'm delicious, Winny, but it's barely been a month."

"Shut up," he said, blushing slightly. "Can I?"

I sat up and pulled off my blue sweater, tossing it at his head.

"Hey!" he protested, but there was no heat in the response.

"Come get it," I urged him. "Though I have to wonder...are you actually craving it, or are you just curious?"

"Both, actually," Winston admitted, climbing up beside me. "You know, I always thought you were scrawny," he said, eyes grazing over the muscular state of my abdomen.

"The training here keeps me in shape, and all I consume is blood."

"So vampires can get fat?"

"Winny, you ask the best questions," I said fondly.

He shrugged. "Well? Can they?"

"Bloated, more like. Drinking nineteen guards makes you look a little funny, admittedly."

Winston laughed. "Oh God, how bad was it?"

"Hazel claimed I looked pregnant, so I locked myself in my room for a week until the swelling went away."

Winston was laughing so hard that tears were starting to form in his eyes.

"Shut up, Winston."

He managed to get control of himself, but ridiculous giggles kept escaping his mouth every few seconds. I pushed him off the couch, but he kept laughing, curling up on his side and gripping his stomach.

"I can't imagine it," he told me a few minutes later, finally able to pull himself back onto the couch.

"It was stupid of me," I managed, trying to hide my humiliation.

"I'm in your head, Dom. Give it up."

I sighed and tilted my head invitingly to one side. "You want to go first?"

All traces of Winston's amusement seemed to vanish. He looked nervous. I felt a quiver through our bond. Correction: he was very nervous.

He leaned forward a bit, opening his mouth, and paused uncertainly, asking: "How?"

I smiled at him, saying, "You're adorable when you don't know what you're doing."

He blushed fiercely. "This is weird, okay? It's...um..."

"Arousing?" I said for him. "That's normal."

"Yeah, but it's still really freaking awkward, okay?" he said, squirming. "I haven't let you seriously drink my blood since the first time, because I wasn't sure how to approach the subject."

"'Domare, please drink my blood' would have worked." I suggested.

He chuckled. "Yeah, I guess that was dumb."

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