46. Winston

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August 2013

The elevator is on Deck 3, Domare informed me from the elevator control room. I was traversing stairwells deck-by-deck. The teams were as close as they could be to the stairs themselves without looking suspicious, but there was undoubtedly a special kind of tension in the air. It was far too easy to pick out the rebels from the oblivious vampires and humans. I stepped onto Deck 4 and walked casually down the hall, pleased that my enhancements could keep me going this long without my body tiring.

I had been stair-climbing for about an hour now. Before I'd come to Pluto, I probably couldn't have managed it. I was handling it well, though, enhanced that I was, and I kept my thoughts wide open for Domare, who did the same in turn for me.

We weren't going to risk separation.

Hazel was also performing the stair routine. I wasn't sure why she felt the need to. She was essentially useless to us, being under oath not to harm our captors. It was nice to pass her in the hall occasionally, however, as we criss-crossed on every deck, keeping an even pace. It was fortunate that no one noticed. She greeted me cordially each time.

"Good morning," she'd say.

"Afternoon now," I'd correct, and she would smile knowingly. We would continue walking in opposite directions. It was the same every time.

The team is ready, came Domare's voice in my head. They're back on Deck 1 now.


Twenty more minutes passed, and I crossed Hazel twice more without saying a word, not even meeting her eyes. We were both worried. I snapped my stressband every ten steps, anxiety eating me up from the inside. We had no way of knowing what was happening above, but no alarms had sounded yet. Things were looking up.

We should have gone up with them, I eventually told Domare, anxiety getting the best of me. I hate waiting here, wondering if everyone's dead, if they've been caught. We're so far underground that we couldn't even hear the sound of gunfire if they shot at our guys.

Our time to fight will come, Winston. Domare replied. This is how battle works. You don't send your leaders to the front lines to die.

How would you know? I asked sarcastically.

Exasperation slipped through our bond. I read.

I chuckled. Even in the direst of situations, Domare could keep a cool head. Every step of the way, he reminded me. I shall be here to keep your eyes forward.

I didn't have to voice my gratitude, not even in thought. He would know.

Another twenty minutes passed, during which I passed Hazel twice. She stopped me the second time.

"On the surface now," I told her.

She nodded and kept on walking.

Do you know what's happening? I asked Domare, traversing a staircase between Decks 3 and 4.

All is silent.

I thought long and hard. Disable the elevator now. Get to the stairs.

Be careful, Domare thought back, and I could sense that he was already moving. I walked into the cafeteria on Deck 2 and met the eyes of my comrades.

"To the stairs," I said, my voice filling the room.

And just as the words left my lips, the long dead alarms screeched to life, and red lights tucked into the corner of every room began flashing blindingly.

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