Chapter 2 ~ Weirdo Boy

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HEY BEBEBESS! So I know I literally haven't updated in like 10 years but I was finally able to post this lol. Y'all better have a great Easter and stuff yourselves with shit food cuz I aint trying to be the only fatass here lmao


The day went on like any normal day, boring asfff. The dismissal bell had just rang and I was at my locker getting my stuff.

"ASHLEYYEYEYETYEY" I turned around and saw violet making her way towards me. I turned back around and continued packing up. "What's up?"

"Alright so there's this party tonight in the woods. There's gonna be a huge ass bonfire, alcohol, music, and hot daddies!"

"Hell yea we're going," I whipped around with a huge smile on my face. I felt my stomach begin to hurt like crazy and I was already freakin pumped. "Lets go to my house to get ready," I suggested as we began to make our way through the school. Violet looked at me with an annoyed expression on her face, "will your parents even let you go?"

"My parents don't even care," I reassured her.

"Alright well if we're going to your place make sure your mom doesn't friggin attack me alright? She's scary as hell," Violet looked at me with a worried expression and I laughed so damn hard. "Don't worry I'll make sure my mom won't tackle you alright?"

"Alright cool beans. I'm gonna head home and get some clothes and stuff, then I'll head over to your house, kay?"

"Sure. Alright I'll see you later. Love ya."

"Okay bye Ash, love you too," with that, we parted ways. Violet and I take two different buses home, but we go in the same direction, so sometimes I'll take hers with her. I don't prefer to do that, though, because it's a longer walk from the bus stop to my house.

I made it to the bus just on time, got on and scanned my card. There was a pause and I felt a pain in my stomach. Oh gosh I hope I have money on my card. The little screen turned red, saying that there was insufficient funds. I mentally shot myself, and scanned it again, hoping the machine just made an error, but nope.

I don't want to walk my ass back home. ITS LIKE A FRICKING HOUR WALK AND MY FAT ASS IS TOO LAZY. Oh gawd mr. busdriver, can u plz b nice and let me on for free? (:

I looked up at the bus driver and gave him a sweet, innocent look, only for it to be returned with him nodding his head towards the exit. I scoffed and took my card, putting it back in my phone case, turning around to exit the bus. The second I did, I nearly ran into a god damn wall. Tf is a damn wall doing here. I felt it move a little and heard a low chuckle.

Fuck it's not a wall.

I felt my face heat up, and my whole body began to burn. Oh god I'm so stupid. FUCK BITCH HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN DUMBASS? I didn't even attempt to look up at who I ran into, I was so embarrassed.

"Oh. Uh-h sorry," I whispered. Oh my lord why are you being so embarrassing JESUS CHRIST STOP STUTTERING GODDAMMIT. I tried to step back a bit but before I could even move, he grabbed my upper arm and spoke in a low, rough voice that sent shivers up my spine. "I'm paying for her."

If I wasn't already red, I sure was now. His voice was so hot oml I bet he's sexy as hell. Wait what's going on again? Oh yeah free ride suck it bus driver.

I slipped out of his grip and backed away to create some distance. I looked up at him for a split second but was still able to see who he was. This boy was hella tall. He was wearing all black, with his hoodie up. Oh damn it's weirdo boy.

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