Chapter 4 ~ Get Out

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"Do you remember what he looked like?"

"He was tall, he had... brown hair? No it was black. Actually it might have been blonde! I don't know. I think it was dark. I don't remember."

"Can you remember anything else?"

"I mean, I can try-"

"It would be best if you came to the police department to tell us everything that you saw. I know what you saw is probably traumatizing. I'll get someone to assist you and bring you back to the station. Okay?"

"Yeah that's fine, I'm just really tired. And hungry too. Is there food there?"

"Yes we will have something there for you to eat. If you need anything let us know, okay hon?"

"Yeah thank you," I sighed, frustrated. I had a migraine right now and I just wanted to fuckin go home. If the chicks alright I don't really care. Actually, scratch that. I want to fuckin catch the motherfucker that did this and beat his ass. I was damn pissed.

There was crime scene tape everywhere. Paramedics helping the girl into the ambulance, cops and detectives gathering evidence. While I waited for the nice cop to go fetch someone else, I stepped away from the chaos and leaned against a tree. I watched from a distances, taking in all the loud noises and bright lights. It was stressing me out and I just wanted to take a nap.


I turned around, hearing a twig break or something, but didn't see anyone. I fully turned around and squinted my eyes, just barely making out a dark figure in the distance. It was just standing there, not even moving, but for some reason my body got a horrible feeling. Like I felt like I was going to throw up all of the sudden. It was as if this person was a statue, not even doing anything, literally making no difference on this earth. It was as if they weren't really there or like they didn't exist here, but I felt my whole body go into fight or flight mode. Something told me that they weren't supposed to be here. Something terrible was about to happen.

I didn't want to be alone right now. I'll admit, I was scared. I turned around to run back to the officers, or anybody, but I ran right into someone. Before I could even process anything about them, they grabbed my shoulders and screamed in my face.


I jolted awake, scared shitless. My god was my heart pounding like I just ran a 10k. When I realized it was just a dream, I immediately sighed in relief. But that didn't last long...

I was lying on someone's bed in some random bedroom that I did not recognize. Like not even a little bit. The walls were a golden tan color. The bed I was in was a white bed with maroon comforters that were almost as thick as I was. There were two brown doors. One right across from the bed, and one to the left of the bed. There was a brown chest at the edge of the bed and two brown nightstands on either sides of the bed. I sat up to see a fluffy maroon carpet in the middle of the room, lying under a clear coffee table. There were two white couches on either side of it and two maroon chairs perpendicular to the couches. There was a huge flatscreen tv that was on the wall to the right of the bed and a fireplace just beneath it. The were two windows on either sides, covered by the maroon curtains. Some sunlight shown through the cracks of the curtains, suggesting it was midday.

"Who's fucking room am I in? Where the fuck am I?" I whispered, confused. I felt fear start to seep into my veins. Where the fuck was I? What happened last night?

I remember the bonfire, and getting high. I walked into the woods and saw... that man assaulting the woman and cut her neck or something. I called the police while trying to help the girl stop the bleeding on her neck...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2019 ⏰

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