Chapter 2.

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Nikki's POV

I walked inside and kicked my shoes off. I tossed my keys on the coffee table and saw a note. "Took Gunner out with me, be home later." I put the note down. Guess I have the house to myself for now. I sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. I flipped through some channels and frowned. Nothing's good. I was about to give up when I heard the name. "Carlotta Dean." My Eyes went wide and I frantically flipped back to the station.

Oh my god. That's Carly! That's my Starry Eyes! I shook my head. Not mine anymore, I don't know why I thought that. She looks.. damn. I can't believe that's Carly! She has 2 full sleeves of tattoos, her hair is longer, she straightens her hair now. She's still wearing KISS, some things never change, I guess.

"You can just call me Carly, that's what everyone else calls me." She said, smiling. "So, tell me, how are you? You're blowing up with your modeling career!" He exclaimed. She's modeling?! What the fuck! She chuckled and I caught a glimpse of her tongue piercing. "I wouldn't say blowing up, but thank you. I appreciate it." She replied. I can't believe the girl I'm looking at is Carly. The 23-year old I used to know. Her birthday just passed so, she's.. what? 31 now? That's insane! Wow, 9 years, that means we've been out of each other's lives longer than we've been in each other's lives. I felt sadness wash over me. I can't believe I haven't seen her in 9 years. That's like a lifetime when it comes to us, 2 people who used to not be able to be apart from each other.

"I really love it, and the fans I meet, it's rad." She added on. "Are you still managing Mötley Crüe?" He asked. "Yes, I am. That's my main job, really. It's how I live." She said, smiling. "How's Nikki?" He asked. I saw her smile drop. "Oh, uh. Not sure, we haven't seen each other in like.." She trailed off. "9 years." She said. I could tell, her whole demeanor changed. Carly was never good at hiding how she feels on her face. "Wow, weren't you both dating?" He asked. She shifted, I could tell she's getting more upset. "Yeah, not long." She said.

"You inspired a lot of the songs from the first album, is that correct?" He asked. "Yeah, Nikki and I have known each other since I was 16, so he took a lot of inspiration from our friendship." She replied. "You guys haven't even talked? Not even once?" He kept pressing. "No, I don't know him anymore." When she said that, for some reason, I felt hurt. The only reason she doesn't know me anymore is that she up and left without saying anything to me. She left me. She's the one who chose to do that, and I haven't forgiven her for it. I don't know if I ever will.

"So, you haven't heard he's been married to Brandi Brandt since 1989?" He asked. I looked at Carly and I could see the tears fill her eyes but, she quickly blinked them away. I can see on her face that that just tore her apart. I watched her intently, to try and read her expression more. "N-No, I didn't know that." She said, her voice is shaking and small. She's hurt, she's really hurt. "They have a kid, too." He added on. Her eyes widened for a second and once again, she blinked tears away. She bit her lower lip before answering. "Good, I'm happy for them and wish them well." She said and put on the fakest smile I have ever seen her do.

I turned the TV off and leaned back on the couch. If she's so hurt about me moving on with my life, why the fuck did she leave in the first place? I'm beyond pissed off. She's the one who abandoned me, she's the one who decided to remove me from her life, so she successfully did. Why the fuck is she upset? She probably has a boyfriend, too. She's the first girl I had ever loved and shown my heart to and she leaves me without even a goodbye. Fuck her.

I angrily stood up and walked into the kitchen. I looked in the fridge for something to drink when the back door opened up and Brandi came in, Gunner in her arms. I smiled wide and shut the fridge. "Hey, baby," I said and walked over and kissed her quickly. "Hey, babe." She replied and handed Gunner over to me. "Hey, cutie." He said and looked at him. He smiled and buried his face in my neck. I smiled and kissed his head.

I'm not going to even think about Carly, I've done it for 9 years, I can do it till the day I die. She was my best friend and she left me at the worst time in my life and I'll never forgive her.

(A/N: Ah, shit. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Please vote, it's greatly appreciated! Feedback is always welcome & encouraged! Okay bye🦁)

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