Jasper Woods (Edited Again- Anime/Human Character )

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Wowie Powie

Am i doing this.

Name: Jasper Woods

Sex: Male

Age: 15-18 (( Depending on RP ))

Sexuality: Polygamous
( Preferably small aka him and like 2 other people. No more then 3 ))

Mother: *le shrug*

Father: *le shrug*

Personality: Hes always tired, hungry and relaxed. He doesn't really get angry, but he'll be blunt with you.  Hes just a really laid back guy that will listen to you vent if needed. Hes also great at snuggling. Hes a good cook and an amazing baker.

Height: 180cm (( 5'10 ))



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(( i actually have these shoes ))

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(( i actually have these shoes ))

Likes: Sour candies, Coffee, sushi, late night phone calls, snuggling, listening to music (( usually calm relaxing music )), autumn, apples, almond milk.

Dislikes: Regular Milk (( lactose intolerant )), gauges, anything rowdy (( though will go to parties with you just to make you happy )), not a huge fan of spicy food, but he does like siracha.

(( For an MHA rp ))

Name: Jasper "Jai" Shinsou

Dad's: (( yes dad's )) Kaminari and Shinsou.

Quirk: Mystic Shock- He can see the future. Plain and simple. Oh and he can use electricity, like his father. xD

Hero Costume:


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Sooo yeah! Heres my new OC made for anime/MHA/BNHA Roleplays!
Have Fun!

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