Chapter 3: Wait for it

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The first thing Sam saw when getting out from the car, was a what seemed to be a pine forest. He stretched his legs and listened how Jo said something about cars, mud and sand while Dean took a sixpack from the trunk of the car. Jo in the lead, they started walking along the muddy path. The air smelled like mowed grass and seaweed. All they could hear was the sound of crickets singing their nightly song... And some drunk men singing their nightly song.

Sam could see an outline of a fire from inbetween the trees. And as they got closer and closer, he started noticing people. There was a table, and some benches, three older men were sitting and they seemed to be having a heated discussion. The ground had become more sandy, his sneakers were already full of sand. The trees were now nothing but small pines. He could see the sea glimmering in the light of the dying sun.

Jo and Charlie cheerfully greeted Ellen, while Dean put the sixpack on the table. Three men they heard conversating before introduced themselves as Bobby, Crowley and Cain. They inspected the beer and decided it was good. Not the best... but the boy has good taste. Cain proudly added: "Of course he has good taste. He is my nephew after all." Cain was a frequent visitor in the Winchester household, John had him check on the boys when he was on work trips. Missouri Mosely walked over to the table and greeted the three young men with a happy smile on her face.

"Luci, Dean and little Sammy! Well, let me look at you. Haha, ooh, you boys grew up handsome. How's your dad doing?" Mama Missouri put the boys sitting on a bench opposite to the one that the three men were sitting on. "Oh, he is fine. Busy as always." Lucifer said, being the only one who had vague memories of Missouri. She had helped John settle in, and deal with three little boys. She is the friendly neighborhood grandma, always helpful, always kind.

Missouri turned attention to Sam, eyeing him up and down: "So how old are you, Sam? You're as tall as a moose." 

"Uhhh, umm, I'm 17." Sam mumbled. 

Missouri put her hand on Sam's shoulder. "Oh, god! You're so thin! Do you want some pie, dear?" "No, no, I'm not very hungry."

 Dean sent an all saying glare towards his brother. "Of course he'll have some pie. It's pie!" 

"I see that you still have the appetite!" Mama Missouri smiled and cut a big slice of pie to each one of the boys. Dean started mercilessly shoveling the dessert into his mouth.

But then... Out of nowhere... A boy came. He was on his phone so he failed to notice Dean. In a quick collision of events, he stumbled into Dean. The pie fell. Dean tried to catch it but it slipped out of his reach before finally landing on the cold ground. 

"Noooo!" Dean screamed, "My pieeee!" He fell to his knees asking God why'd he let such a cruel thing happen. That was the moment he lost faith.

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