Chapter 7: Important for plot

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 Castiel heard a loud crash, in a quarter-of-second, his attention was on the source of the sound. His eyes widened when he realized it was Sam. On the ground. Again. His arms were stretched out and holding a basket and lying face down in the sand. Cas dropped the paintbrush and bolted towards Sam. "Are you alright?!?" Cas pushed the basket away and kneeled down in front of Sam. Sam raised his head and said "God damn it!" while spitting out sand. Cas coughed out a worried yet relieved phrase "You almost gave me a heart attack, Sam!" Cas stood up and gave Sam a supporting hand when he rose. 

Cas eyed Sam up and down, looking for any injury. He brushed off some sand from Sams loose t-shirt and said, "I don't see any cuts or scrapes, but don't you do it again!" Sam was eager to pick up the basket he was in such a hurry bringing. It was a light brown picnic basket, it was handmade and Sam borrowed it from Missouri. It looked like it was from a fairytale. Like the Red Riding Hood. If the plot would've been how the red riding hood brings food for a pretty girl she is trying to impress.

"I didn't know what you liked so I brought a little bit of everything." Sam gave Cas the "did i do well, senpai?" look and opened the basket lid. Sam pulled out a blanket from the basket before handing it to Cas "And I got this from your sister Anna. You and your whole family is so friendly..." Sam laid the blanket down and Cas took out the food and laid it out nicely. They awkwardly sat down after doing the weird who sits first gesture. Sam thought to himself This is so much like a date, but I don't even know if he likes guys, or is he just being a nice person He proceeded to pour Cas some coke he had borrowed from the guys drinking rum and coke. Cas boldly started the conversation with, "What do you like to do?" Sam was surprised and after a stew of umm's and uh's responded with "I like to read..." They talked about literature and before they knew it, the conversation had sailed onto the topic of fairytales and myths. Since it was such an important day full of all kinds of different stories, the subject was, of course, Jaanipäev. Most importantly the story of the fern flower.

"Fern flower? Ferns don't bloom. They have spores." Cas said with confusion when Sam brought up the topic. Sam looked him with the strangest expression of astonishment and concern. "You haven't heard that story? How? Every little kid knows it." "I usually spend my summers away from here. With my father's side grandparents. They live in America." "...Wow... I want to go to America, my father is from there and me and my brothers were actually born there too." bla bla bla backstory

Sam looked up into the sky, and saying, "I'm going to tell you the story now, because the more I think about it the more my life is depressing. It's nice to talk about fairytales, it gives hope that everyone's story might have a happy ending.

"The fern flower is said to be a mythical flower, that blooms only once a year, during the night of the midsummers day. It's usually associated with couples because they are the ones to go look for it. It is told that it is the most beautiful flower you'll ever witness. So bright that it will make the forest around it so light that it's like the midday. Shining in every colour of the rainbow. The story of it dates back to the medieval times, but then it was related to gold, riches and the ability to talk to animals. But the more common story is that when a couple finds it, they are destined to be together and their love for each other will be eternal."

Sam ended the story with, "But it's nothing, but a fairytale." Castiel's blue eyes were looking at the sea. He seemed to be in deep thought over the story. Sam thought that Castiel was even more beautiful now, with furrowed brows and a mysterious gaze that looked over to the rain clouds forming over the still calm sea. 

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