Chapter 9: The end is nigh

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The crescent moon lighted the path to the forest for the boys. Sam looked at Cas, marveling at the moonlight shining off of his dark hair. He could also swear that Castiel's eyes were glowing. It seems that he really believed in that fairytale. That made even Sam believe that there was something in this world, something magical, something supernatural.

Sam made the first long step towards the forest. Cas grabbed his hand and so their journey to find the fern flower begun... They wandered into the dim forest and Sam broke the silence, "Where do you think the path will take us?"

Cas looked at Sam and said in his deep, but this time hesitant, voice, "Into the forest."

Sam quickly averted his gaze and murmured, "I meant like in the future..." He blushed a light shade of pink, tousling his hair. Oh, how does he hate misunderstandings. Even if he is not the one misunderstanding.

Cas sunk into thought, listening to the melodious coos of forest birds. His eyes locked on a little white flower. It looked like a star.

"Well, I have no idea... Life is just so confusing, you know,"

Sam gave Cas a sympathetic hand-squeeze "You'll figure it out. There are so many things you could do. Like, be a doctor or an artist."

Cas let go of Sam's hand and sighed, "That's the problem, there are so many things I could be..." He stepped a little further away from Sam, noticing a bunch of ferns. "But I don't want to think about that now..."

They walk into the fern thicket, Castiel eagerly turning every leaf. The somber expression that layed like a storm cloud on his face, left in an instant. Sam wasn't really sure that this was the right way to look for the flower. But since Castiel was so invested in it, he could do nothing less than help him.

"Whoa..." Castiel turned to show Sam a beautiful violet flower, "This is so pretty." Sam took Castiel's hands into his, they were cold. There is a saying that goes something like this, the colder the hands the warmer the heart. Sam thought about it when inspecting the flower.

"That is a bird's-eye primrose...It's rather odd that it's growing here though. They usually grow in meadows."

"Wow... Do you also think its weird that they grow like that." Castiel leads Sam to see something he had never witnessed in his life. The flowers were growing in two parallel lines. Like they were bordering a path. Little violet blossoms as far as the eye can see, hundreds if not thousands of them.

Sam closely examined one of the plants still in the ground. It has a faint glow to it. Like they were lighting a path.

"That's definitely weird. Like very extremely weird."

"I think we should see where it leads..." Cas gave Sam a determined look.

"Let's just see how far they go. For scientific purposes."

"Of course. Scientific purposes."

The two started ambling along the path. There were no fallen branches nor anything else on the path, like it was kept clean by someone. Or something.

The clouds had covered the moon, so now the only source of light was the flowers. The boys were both in awe at the pink glow surrounding them and lighting the path. It began as a path so wide that they could stand a foot from each other, but as it progressed, it grew more narrow. They didn't really notice it because they were just happy to be holding hands.

Sam hadn't felt that kind of feeling before. Like he was floating, the walking didn't tire him at all. He felt like he was invincible but so vulnerable at the same time. Glancing at Castiel, trying to make sure that this all isn't just a dream. He was so nervous that Castiel might just disappear. Sam was proud, he was the one this angel had chosen. It was an unbelievable feeling. He was smiling as it was unsupressable. He had the most handsome man on this entire globe holding his hand. The hotness of every Castiel's feature was magnified by Sams mind. His cleft chin, messy dark hair, those gorgeous deep blue eyes, and last but not least his benevolent and kind-hearted soul.

They walked and walked, and after what must've been kilometers, they finally saw something that signaled the ending of their journey.

The light. As bright as it was the midday. It was real. 

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