Chapter 7: Steel Loyalty

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The other Pokemon followed Luxray as he strode through the forest. They were all excited that it was finally time to hunt down Bolt and Red to deliver some pain to them, but Luxray had other concerns. They had definately found their trail, but something was up.

"It's too quiet here," he mumbled. He looked around. There wasn't a single Pokemon to be found in the area and none could be heard at all. It had been like this ever since they entered this part of the forest.

Something was up.

"Think they told anyone about us coming," Umbreon asked him.

"I bet so, it doesn't matter. We're here for the beat down then to leave."

Luxray felt eyes on him and knew they were being watched, but he didn't care. Even if Bolt and Red tried to run they either had to leave the egg or baby Pokemon behind in order to get some decent distance in between them now. It was all over, and Luxray was going to enjoy this.

He knew they were getting close when the twitters of Pokemon scurrying out of the way met his keen ears.

"Straight up ahead," he barked. The others tensed up, anticipating the battle. Before long they came to the clearing where Bolt and Red lived and found that they were waiting for him. Luxray took a moment to read their postures before he spoke.

"So the egg hatched," he laughed, "where's the runt?"

"They have nothing to do with this, we're ready for whatever you have planned Luxray. This has gone on long enough, if a full on battle is what it takes for you to let this go then I'm ready," Bolt declared. She was a Raichu now he noticed, but he didn't care.  Red stood beside her, his pose admitting his defeat. Luxray tsked in annoyance.

"You guys are so spineless, running away all this time just to give up now. You were such hot shots when you thought you had us fooled at the river, but I hope that your own underestimation of me has been eating away at you ever since the mountain. You're out of excuses and I'm out of mercy to give."

"As if you ever had any mercy for anything, you're so busy trying to put others down and you're blinded by whatever sick, twisted morals you have," Bolt exclaimed, her cheeks sparking. Red's ears twitched as if something she had said made sense to him. Luxray swished his tail, giving the secret signal, and before Bolt or Red could react Umbreon slammed into Bolt with a Feint Attack. Pangoro dove in to add some supressive Arm Thrust attacks while Scrafty jumped in with some of his own. Floatzel sped towards Red with an Aqua Jet he was unable to avoid, sending him careening towards the cliff wall. He didn't have enough time to get up before he was shot with a water gun. Spluttering and panting, he lay there as Luxray came over. Again, when Red opened his eyes Luxray's paws were in front of them. This time however, he didn't look up.

"I'm...keeping my..promise," he panted in between labored breaths. Luxray eyed him suspiciously and examined the area for any other Pokemon. He noticed the cave but could tell it was empy and that the area, which obviously had multiple Pokemon living in it, was abandoned except for these two. They must have decided to spare their friends and face them alone.

Bolt managed to get away from her attackers for the moment and turned on them, cheeks ablaze and shooting electricity everywhere.

"You're the spineless ones! You guys have no thoughts of your own and all you do is follow Luxray around bullying others! You're not special just because you join in with him, if anything you're worse," Bolt roared as she tried to hit Scrafty with one of her Thunder Punches. It was useless, she was overpowered and outnumbered so the trio had no trouble taking her down. Before long she had fainted, and Red was left alone at the mercy of them all. He relaxed his body, tears welling, wishing for it to be over so badly and yet Luxray was toying with him. Luxray put on of his huge paws on Red's skull and pressed down.

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