Chapter 6

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Song of the chapter: Shampain - Marina and the Diamonds

The jet took off just after six with our champagne toting selves nestled safely in the plush chairs, toasting to an amazing trip.

Our arrival three hours later was met by the sexy Latino Fernando, Rae's Californian chauffeur/tour guide. He took us directly to the house before asking after us in that enchanting Spanish twang of his.

Lyle and the gang, as I liked to call them, had set up shop in the kitchen with the live-in housekeeper whipping up a delectable surf and turf followed by a luscious baked cheesecake. My boys, hands down, have the biggest appetites for their sizes.

Unable to fathom how much food we'd ingested, we ignited a large pine fire and huddled up around it. Drinking a Cameron concoction of raspberry vodka and hot cocoa, the guys serenaded us with their awesome songs and beautiful voices.

Coincidentally, I found myself stuck between Mitchell and Cameron, who couldn't seem to keep his hands off of Rae. Her Royal Bitchiness was apparently too frustrated to come, and we were all relieved that the resident Debby Downer wasn't going to spoil our desert fun.

"Truth or dare, you bloody drunks," Ty yelled out, standing to highlight her request. "We shall go in order of seating so I'll start. Truth or dare, Zoe?"

"Dare," I answered without hesitation. Must have been the alcohol talking, I thought to myself.

"Bloody brill, dear lass. I, Miss Tyler Kinsley, dare you, Zoe Moy, to make out with the fine sir to your left, Mr. Mitchell Crawford, for at least two minutes."

"I'm not a fish, Ty, so you can't expect me to..."

"Don't be shy, Zoe. Kiss me already," interrupted Mitchell. He shifted towards me, urging me on. I saw a need in his eyes - they turned an olive green, darkened by lust.

I kissed him nervously, slowly parting my lips for his and we continued for more than the required two minutes. He did that thing with his tongue that I loved so much and I couldn't hide how good it felt to kiss him in front of my friends, without having to hide out in a backroom or behind a chair. Or a door.

"Time's up, you horny rabbits," said Min. "My turn. Lyle, truth or dare?"

"Erm, truth," he answered, in anxious anticipation of the question.

"No, don't be a fucking bore! Just kiss me already, like Mitch and Z did, but for longer," she said, seizing him by the neck.

We all laughed at Min's typical forwardness and disregard of the game's rules.

Aid dared Ty to down the half empty bottle of tequila, which she did without any objections.

It was strange how much Ty drank and how rarely we ever saw her drunk or even the least bit tipsy. The girl could have five shots of tequila and be the designated driver for the night. She and Aidan loved to compete over everything, especially anything involving food, the two goofballs.

I noticed Rae and Cameron slipping off to the pool deck after the game slowly died down, hand in hand and chanting some odd yoga mantra.

They slid into the pool and headed to the farthest side away from everyone, far from eye and earshot; I recall thinking about how great it would be if Mitch finally agreed that we tell our friends about our relationship. He had never given me a clear explanation anyways, which was a little suspicious.

The group dispersed with most of us, the sane few, heading inside. I was sharing a room with Min; since she said she'd love to spend the night with Lyle again, Mitch was able to sneak into my bed.

We were cuddled together watching the Friday the 13th series when I asked, "Mitch, what would you do if a Jason type snuck into the shower, axed me to death and got away? What would you say the nature of our relationship was if the police asked?"

"I'd tell them that you were a very special friend," he mumbled, eating some popcorn from the bowl cushioned between us. Clearly, he wasn't paying attention to me.

"Just a friend." I repeated. "Hmm, interesting." My blood boiled and I felt greatly unappreciated. I understood that we were friends first but I expected a better reaction.

"Yes, babe. Why are you asking this? Is it too scary for you? Are you being tortured by it? You afraid he'll come after you, baby?" he tormented.

I grabbed the tv remote and paused the film. "Mitchell, you'd tell the police that the you and the girl you sex in the shower and almost everywhere else, fall asleep with in your arms more days than most, arm wrestle and profess your love for were just fucking friends? Buddies? Mates?

Do I look like Aidan to you? Am I just one of the guys, hmm? Because I am really confused right now," I retorted, tearing myself from the comfort of his arms. I was annoyed by his stupid response and blatant disregard of my feelings.

"I was joking, Zoe. Of course I'd tell them you're my girlfriend," he assured, grabbing hold of my hand.

His eyebrows were furrowed and he bit his lower lip anxiously - his concerned face made my heart sore, but I wasn't done.

"The thing is, I don't believe you. This is the second time I've asked if you'd tell people about us and you always act like you would deny me. Are you ashamed of me? Am I not good enough for you? Because you still haven't given me a reason for not going public with our relationship."

"Zoe, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he apologised, batting his eyelashes, seducing my eyes with each flutter. "I just want us to take our time and enjoy each other and our privacy. This is only going to get better. I don't want to share you with the rest of the world. Not yet."

He held my face in his hands and told me he loved me. "I'm not lying to you, okay? I just love keeping us a secret from everyone. This, what we have, is too good right now.  It's us against the world, remember?"

I couldn't help feeling insecure and guilty for accusing him of not caring about me and us.

I forgave him that night and he made it up to me, showering me with his delicious kisses and promising not to remove my socks when I was asleep. He even made me breakfast or at least tried with a vile yet romantic waffle attempt.

"It's disgusting, I know," he laughed, crinkling his noise and covering his bright green eyes.

"At least Francine's made an amazing breakfast so you won't go hungry today, my little love bug. And I'm really sorry about last night. I didn't mean to upset you."

He gave me a hug before retreating to his room, planting an affectionate peck on my forehead and leaving me smelling of his fruity shampoo and dangerously sweet body odour.

"You smell like a baby, FYI," I shouted after him.

A big, cute, and greatly appealing baby that I felt strong emotion towards. Just don't break my heart, I pleaded silently to him and myself. Don't break my heart, Mitchell.

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