Chapter 32

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Song of the chapter: Shake It Off - Taylor Swift


"I guess that's why he's running around after somebody like you, Z. He clearly doesn't deserve to be remembered."

Min jumped up at that, her hands on her hips and her eyes plotting a painful, torturous plan of attack.

"The fact that you have to rack your nul brain to check if you transmitted more of your skank chlamydia to another unsuspecting male is grounds to assume Eoin doesn't even smell your putrid existence," she defended.

Kira's face cringed, Min's words wiping the superficial smile plastered on her shockingly gorgeous face. She took a step back, searching for a comeback when I interrupted.

"Just leave, Kira. Nobody likes you and you're wasting your time trying to hurt my feelings. How's about we have this petty fight another time?" I said with a genuine smile.

Kira stared back at me, her steely grey eyes failing dismally at intimidating me. She really doesn't know who she's messing with, I mused.

She walked away nursing her bruised ego, grabbing her bag from the table behind ours and left, her brown locks shimmying after her out the glass doors.

Her table was exactly behind ours.

Oh no.

Min smoothed her newly purchased Petals and Peacocks skirt before sitting down with a sigh. "I really hate that person. Does that make me a bad person?"

"She's not exactly the nicest person in the world and she doesn't like you, either, so I guess it's a win-win situation," I replied, massaging my temples.

"Can we just get out of here?" asked Ty, looking exhausted all of a sudden. "I have to meet up with my mom so I'll probably see you guys later."

I remained a few paces behind Min and Rae, stalling to talk to Ty. "Hey, sweetie. Are you okay?"

"No. What if she overheard? Zoe, I'll be the girl that cheated on Luke for the rest of my natural existence! God! Why does she always have to be a part of our lives?"

"I don't like her either, babe. But I think this is all the more reason to tell him. You almost had a nervous breakdown back there. You really scared me," I revealed, playfully shoving her.

"I promise I will as soon as possible. Thanks for noticing. I really appreciate it," she smiled, hugging my shoulders.

I smiled back my reply and caught up with Rae and Min. Tyler waved her goodbye and hopped into a cab to her mom's swanky Upper West Side New York home.

"I think we need to get some more stuff," announced Min, hailing another cab.

Rae and I exchanged looks - I shook my head, extremely drained by the first shopping excursion.

"You want me to feel better, don't you?" she pouted.

"I officially hate your perfect ass," I said, jumping into the cab.

"I hope we get complimentary champagne because I certainly need it," thought Rae, sinking into her seat.

"How I wish this cab could adopt me and I'd be obliged to remain inside it forever. I really cannot begin to understand why you have so much energy after your depressive state."

"Lyle called me in the morning and I started crying," she began. "He told me to stop crying, to be strong for our relationship and that he fell in love with a strong and confident woman."

Aw! Bless your adorable soul, Lyle, I thought. Why were these boys so freakin' cute? Argh, they just said and did all the right things at the perfect damn time.

Min was glowing, her demeanor very giddy and her smile magnetic.

"Who's this Lyle and what has he done to my best friend?" inquired Rae, a smile creeping up her face. "I'm happy he makes you this happy, Min. Just don't screw this up, okay? He doesn't deserve it."

Min promised, her milky white skin blushing a deep red. "I'm acting like such a hopeless romantic, shit. Zoe, this is because of you," she yelled.

I threw my hands up in defence and smiled at my two best friends. It felt so wonderful to be in love and knowing that I wasn't the only one experiencing this phenomenon. It made loving Mitchell much, much easier.

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