Sneak Peek of Book Two

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I love you, Zoe. I love you baby.” I love you, too. But I had to leave you. I had to leave the love of my life, the love that had come to me. He was my reason for facing everyday with fierce determination and an optimistic, happy perspective on life. On love. I was nothing without Mitchell. Zoe ceased to exist without Mitchell.

Zoe, please don't do this to me.” But I did. I left you. The image of my emotional 'breakup' was on repeat in my mind. I'd close my eyes and see him asking me, begging me, to stay.

I cried until shallow, hoarse sounds escaped my dry mouth. I drowned in my sleep, seeing his face and slowly disintegrating inwardly, my soul a lost spirit, no longer useful to my emotionally ailing body. I was sore. I was tired. I had lost an irreplaceable part of me. I was enough.

"Zoe, it's okay. Wake up. You're home." He ran his fingers through my hair, his other hand on the small of my back soothing my trembling body.



"I'm sorry I'm such a mess," I apologised, sitting up.

He told me not to, telling me to stop beating myself up. I nodded comprehensively and lay my head on his broad shoulders, his very comfortable shoulders. "Please may I go home with you?"

"...yes. I'd love to take care of you until you get better, and I wouldn't mind if it took forever." I thanked him for being so gracious, nestling closer to him. I closed my eyes, feeling a little better all thanks to my angel Irishman. "Let's go home."


I had woken up in unfamiliar arms, in a place I didn't recognise, next to someone I despised. I stole his shirt sitting on the chair adjacent to the bed, before slipping out of his hotel room and racing out into the lobby...

Stephen’s shirt over my short, leather dress, I walked into the front door of the beach house, purposefully dragging my feet to draw attention to my arrival.

Lyle sat around the breakfast bar on the phone: he was looking for me; “Where were you, Min?”

“Out,” I said nonchalantly, turning towards the refrigerator.

“Out with who?” I didn't reply. “Min, who were you with?” Hush. “Min, please look at me.” He walked up to me, smelling the air around me. His disappointed expression turned to one of anger and hurt. “This isn't mine. Who's shirt is this? Is it Stephen's?”

I nodded.

“Did you sleep with him?” No reply. “Min, please tell me?” he begged, his voice breaking.

“Yes I did, okay! It's no big deal.”

“No big deal?” he snorted. “Min, look at me. I can't believe how selfish you can be. I love you so much. I always have. But right now, I wish I never did. Then it wouldn't hurt this much.”

I watched him go.


I remember her in his arms, making him promise never to leave her. He promised, telling her he loved her and he always would. How was I supposed to destroy that bond they had? How callous could one be to sabotage something so rare, so beautiful?

She had called me out of selfishness and immature jealousy, using my little secret against me. Blackmailing me into breaking them up...

They would never forgive me. She would never forgive me.

But I had to.


Zoe. My soulmate. My best friend. I wanted her back. I needed her back. It felt so surreal not having her within my reach or just a phone call away.

Everyone knew about us now. I would have preferred if they had found out differently, like if she was pregnant. I wanted her to be pregnant - she'd have to have me in her life if she was.

No, Mitchell. Stop it, I scolded myself. She's gone because you couldn't trust her. You failed to believe that she could love you and be faithful. Trust is no trust if it wasn't there in the first place. She broke your heart so you broke hers. You two are fucking toxic mould that breeds misery and hurt. This was inevitable.

I want her back, said optimistic me. I'm getting my baby back.

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