4 🎉 ᴄᴀʀᴇᴛᴀᴋᴇʀ

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Jack could feel it too. The rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins, the light blue flashing in his eyes that made his brain ring a familiar memory. 


The way his large doe eyes would stare up at his, that small smile he gave him that made his heart melt, yet left him to die on his own made his heart ache as the familiar flashbacks flashed in his mind.

But it was too many to count. Too many flashbacks, too many hurtful memories that hadn't left his mind, making his head ring with a white noise, making his head hurt as the flashbacks kept rolling in like a clip.

It made him close his eyes shut as he covered his ears with his hands, a failed attempt to block out the white noise ringing in his ears. Amongst the loud white noise ringing in his head, the door let out a soft click and a long creak as the door pushed open.

A gentle tap on the glass window was enough for the flashbacks to slow down, yet the white noise was still ringing inside Jack's head. Curious, Jack opened one eye in pain, before opening both of them wide with shock.

In front of him stood the similar pair of eyes that belonged to Issac, squishy cheeks and thin lips parted slightly, doe eyes staring at him with her small hand lifting out, reaching to place against the glass window, right in front of Jack.

And suddenly, as if by magic, the white noise immediately stopped.

Jack stared wide-eyed at the small hand reached out in front of him, the only barrier between them was the glass window, which made Jack have the sudden urge to wrap the tiny girl around his arms and bring the girl into his embrace.

But the sudden thought of Issac flashed into Jacks mind that made him regret having that thought as he gave the meanest glare he could shoot towards the girl, watching as the girl's eyes faltered a bit, making his heart ache a bit, but he ignored it, shuffling to sit back-faced towards the girl, ignoring her prescence.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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