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After a quick, hot shower, I exit, standing in confusion as I realize something is missing from this bathroom.

That's when Shuri opens the door. "I've brought you a-", She drops the towel, gasping in shock.

It takes me only a second to see why. She's staring at my multitude of scars, from Hydra and Mr. Killicks. I quickly snatch up the towel, covering myself. I look at the floor in shame, waiting for her to order me out.

Instead, I am wrapped in a hug. I flinch, but manage not to pull away, in utter and complete shock.

"I am so sorry, Maureen," she whispers, and I realize she's crying.

"Um... C-call me Ree," I finally say.

Shuri pulls away and nods, wiping her eyes. "I'll let you get dressed," she answers, walking back out into her room.

I quickly dry off and pull the clothes on. They're baggy on my malnourished frame, but it's so much better than the prison jumpsuit.

Leaving the bathroom, I see Shuri is back to her cheery self, waiting patiently for me.

"I've heard you would like to see your brother," Shuri says. "I'm in charge of helping him, but I haven't made too much progress yet."

I nod, and she takes my hand again, leading me out of the palace and through the city. People stare at us. At me, really. I'm the only white person in all of Wakanda, it seems. They apparently don't know much about my brother, yet, according to their whispers. The whispers stop immediately, however, as T'Challa joins us, walking on my other side.

"It is nice to see you making friends with someone who is not a computer," T'Challa tells his sister, smirking slightly.

"Says the man who freezes every time he sees his ex-girlfriend," Shuri retorts.

We enter a tall building, and go to an elevator. We're taken to the very top, to a level full of technology I will probably never understand. They lead me to a room in the very back corner, where a large cylinder container sits. Inside, frozen in time, lays my brother, in white clothes. Slowly, I approach, placing my hand on the glass. It's cold, which should be obvious, but it still surprises me.

"He hates the cold," I state, saying the first thing I can manage.

Shuri places a hand on my shoulder. "He asked for this, until he is free from Hydra's control. But we will make sure he is nice and warm as soon as he wakes."

I nod, unsure what else I can do. I feel so alone. I left my only friends to find my brother, but now that I'm here, I have no idea what to do. My brother is in a state of unconsciousness, possibly for forever. I have absolutely no skills in medicine and technology that could help him. I'm completely useless, but there's no where else I can go.

Shuri leads me back to the palace soon after, explaining to me that her mother is referred to as "Queen Mother Ramonda", and that T'Challa will soon go through the process of taking his rightful place on the throne, after the recent death of their father. She promises to start teaching me Xosha, their language, soon, as she drops me off in my room, saying that dinner will be held at seven-thirty that night.

I sit quietly on my large bed, knees to my chest, for a long time. My room has a large window overlooking the city, and solid wood furnishings. The dresser is empty, but Shuri said she is going to get some clothes for me as soon as she can. I have my own bathroom, with strawberry scented soap already waiting in the shower stall. There is a small shelf on the wall across from my bed that holds a few books, some in English, some in Xosha.

I sit in wait until Queen Mother Ramonda enters the room. I stand and cross my arms over my chest, like Shuri taught me.

"Did you forget about dinner?" the queen asks. "We are all waiting for you."

I pause. "I'm... allowed to leave my room?"

"Of course," Queen Mother Ramonda states in confusion. "This is your home now, child, treat it as such."

She motions for me to follow her, and leads me to a room with a large grand table, full of food that looks and smells divine. As Queen Mother Ramonda takes her seat at the head of the table, Shuri excitedly motions me into the seat next to her, filling my plate with foods I've never seen before.

"Everything you see is made fresh here in Wakanda," she tells me proudly as the others begin to eat. "You must try the koshari, it's my favorite!"

I take a small bite, to find that it is delicious, but between that and a sweet, honey glazed roll, I can't eat very much. Not after a month of barely anything to eat, let alone tasteful foods such as this. After only a few bites, I feel as though I will puke if I eat any more. T'Challa seems to notice this.

"You do not have to finish your plate if it's too much, Ms. Barnes," he says carefully. "Nothing at this table will go to waste."

I nod, slowly finishing the bite that's in my mouth, before surrendering and pushing my plate back a little.

Shuri, who has cleaned her plate twice, grins at me. "If you're done, I have something I want to show you!"

She starts to get up, before Queen Mother Ramonda clears her throat quietly. Shuri immediately sits back down, sighing in defeat as T'Challa tries not to laugh.

"May Ree and I leave the table, please, Mother?" she asks formally. Then, "I have something freaking spectacular to show her!"

Queen Mother Ramonda sends a cutting look, but relents. "Yes, you girls may go."

Shuri jumps up, grabbing my hand and dragging me along behind her as she runs off. But my cat-like senses catch the question the queen asks her son.

"T'Challa, what did they do to that child?"

I don't hear his answer, as Shuri continues dragging me along, before running straight into Okoye, who steadies us.

"Where are you off to, Princess?" the general asks.

"I have to show Ree the city," Shuri explains, breathless. "The best place to view it is from the statue."

Okoye smiles. "The best views in the entire country. Promise to be careful by the edge?"

"Yes, Okoye," Shuri promises, her voice sounding exasperated.

Shuri pulls me along again, on and on until we are standing at the feet of the Black Panther statue, staring out at the countryside twinkling with electricity, and the mountains beyond hiding the sun under pink and purple clouds.

"It's beautiful," I whisper.

"I know," Shuri smiles.

White Wolf and Arctic FoxWhere stories live. Discover now