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Hades helped her down from his midnight chariot as they arrived on Mount Olympus. Large white marble columns loomed over them while they stood outside the Grand Hall. The doors flew open and out rushed Demeter, Persephone's mother. Behind her stood the other inhabitants of Olympus including her father, Zeus. Cheers from the other gods filled the air as Hades and Persephone made their way up the marble steps. As they reached the top Persephone was seized in a vicious hug by her mother.

"Oh, my sweet Kore. Now we may bring spring and summer to the human world. All will be as it should." Her mother cried as she stroked her beloved Daughter's copper curls. She clung to Persephone for what seemed like forever till finally, Zeus cleared his throat. Reluctantly, Demeter released her daughter so she could be welcomed back by the rest of Olympus. The gods each took their turn welcoming Persephone back to their home. She smiled at her loved ones then searched the room for her Hades. She found him slouched against one of the large pillars and made her way across the room to him.

"I have to leave soon. It's almost judgment time." His face was sad, and his voice cracked as he spoke to her. Persephone wiped away a stray tear as it slid down his cheek.

"I know my sweet Hades. I know. The time will pass quickly and we shall have our secret visits as we did before." She comforted him as a few more tears slid down his well-sculpted cheeks. They snuck away for his last few moments on Olympus before leaving her for the next few days. "I love you my Hades. The seasons shall pass quickly my love," her voice was soft and comforting to him. He kissed her gently at first before pulling her in against his warm hard chest and kissing her hungrily. Sparks flew and the room spun around them. She could feel the air leave her lungs as his kiss left her breathless and weightless like it had the very first time he'd kissed her. Just as she felt her heart would burst from all the love he was sending to her through his kiss, he released her. More tears rolled down his cheeks as he stepped up into his midnight chariot. The Earth split apart as Hades took up his reigns and down he went into the depths Persephone had called home since their marriage. A single salty tear ran down her cheek as she watched him disappear into the earth without her.

"Persephone!" her mother's loud shrill voice broke through the sound of the celebration as she came outside to find her beautiful daughter crying. "Hush my sweet Kore. Tonight is a night for celebrating! You have returned to me and together we shall bring forth spring." Without even looking up from her hands she could tell her mother was smiling as she spoke. Her mother's arm wrapped around her shoulders as she was guided back into the Grand Hall.


After the first few weeks had passed she was finally allowed some peace. She wandered off to her beautiful gardens and found the tree under which she always met Hades. Memories of playing as a child, sprouting her first buds, and the first time she'd lain with Hades filled her head. A smile spread across her lips as she thought of that morning, the more she thought of it the more she could feel him there with her. She opened her eyes and turned around to find him standing underneath their tree. His long black robes billowed in the wind as he smiled at his sweet love. She sprinted toward him and leaped into his open arms. Her lips crashed against his as she kissed him as hungrily as he had kissed her the night he'd left her on Olympus. Before she knew what was happening his cloak was spread on the ground as it had been all those years ago and he was laying her down beneath him. Her chiton was gone from her body in an instant. His robes were discarded seconds later as they wrapped themselves around one another. Their bodies intertwined as they kissed one another and found their rhythm as they had done so many times before. The air was filled with sounds of their love as they moved together. Her climax brought him over the edge and together they experienced ecstasy.

"Oh Hades, how I've missed you," she whispered to him as she rested against his bare chest. She listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, their bodies a tangle of limbs.

"I've missed you too my sweet Flower. So very very much. Home just isn't the same without you." His voice was sad as he thought of their home without her in it.

"Shhh, my sweet. Soon, soon this will be over and I shall be back with you where I belong." She soothed him as they laid there together in each other's embrace. They stayed there together for the next few hours talking about all that the other had missed and making plans for when she would return. The sun began to set and they dressed. Hades kissed her softly before disappearing into the deep dark Earth, leaving her alone once again.

She made her way back to her Mother's home for the night, leaving behind her garden and the memories she and her husband had created that afternoon.


Two months passed before she got up the courage to tell Hades the news. That day when he appeared under their tree she sat in silence. He spoke of the happenings in the Underworld, told her that the inhabitants had said hello to her and awaited her return.

"Persephone, my love what is wrong?" he asked finally. Never before had she been so silent when they finally had time to be together. Tears ran down her cheeks as she thought of what she had to tell him. "Persephone, you have me worried. What is it my Flower?" Hades' voice trembled.

"I- Oh Hades." she cried. More tears sprang to her eyes, the floodgates had been opened as they ran viciously down her cheeks. "I'm pregnant," she confessed finally. They sat in stunned silence as Hades processed what she'd revealed to him.

He swept her up from the ground moments later and spun her around as his joyous laugh filled the air. "Oh Persephone, are you truly?" she nodded. "This is wonderful! We are to have a child!" he cheered. His happiness reassured Persephone, finally allowing her to celebrate their joyous news. When he finally set her back on the ground he kissed her excitedly then knelt before her and kissed her tiny belly. "Oh our sweet little sprout, I love you so already," he whispered softly against her chiton. She giggled softly. They spent the rest of the afternoon celebrating the little life they'd created together before Hades disappeared as usual and Persephone walked back to Olympus.

A Mythical Love: Hades and Persephone's Truth Part 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora