Chapter Two: A Child's Agreement

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She joined the world of the dead midwinter. Her hair was as black as her father's, lips as red as the roses her mother brought forth, and her eyes as green as the fields of spring. She was perfect. The underworld rejoiced as word spread of her arrival. Her name was on the lips of everyone who inhabited the underworld. Hades and Persephone were overjoyed at the arrival of their daughter. For three days they stayed in their room with her, feeding her, holding her, and loving her. On the fourth day, Hecate organized a celebration for the birth of the Underworld's princess. The banquet hall was filled with even more joy and laughter than ever before, everyone came to meet their beloved princess.

Hades stood in the center of the hall, his beautiful daughter in his arms and his wife by his side. "My loyal friends and subjects, my queen and I would like to introduce to you your princess. Macaria," he announced proudly. He looked down at her lovingly, a sweet little bundle in his arms. Memories of his beloved Persephone at this age flooded his mind, she looked so much like her. The way she smiled in her sleep, the green of her eyes, skin as white as all the clouds in the heavens, lips as red as the most beautiful roses, save for her black hair, she was the spitting image of her mother when she was a baby. He smiled even wider, his happiness increasing with every moment that passed. Persephone looped her arm thru his and pulled him gently toward their thrones where they sat with their sweet princess for the rest of the night.


Soon it came time for Persephone to leave the Underworld and bring spring. She wept the whole night as she realized she would have to leave her sweet baby girl and husband behind this time. She called for Hermes that night, giving him a message to deliver to her father and mother. She hoped her mother of all people would understand the love one has for their daughter.

Hermes returned that morning, his winged sandals looking more tired than ever. "Persephone, I bring news. You, Hades, and your daughter have been summoned to Olympus," he spoke quickly then flitted off to the surface world.

Persephone turned to her husband, their daughter curled up and sleeping in his arms as she had been since the day of her birth. "We must make ourselves ready my love. It is time for her to meet Olympus," a single tear fell from her eyes as she looked upon her husband and daughter. They quickly readied themselves and swaddled Macaria in the warm blankets Hestia had gifted them. Hades handed Macaria to Persephone then lifted them up into his midnight chariot before climbing in after them. With a flick of the reigns, they were off to the surface world.

The sunlight was blinding as it always was when Persephone returned to the surface. They appeared in front of the Grand Hall, the gods, and goddesses of Olympus standing on the steps as they waited for Hades and Persephone's arrival. Hades stepped down from the chariot first then turned to help his wife down as she held their bundle of joy close to her chest. Zeus came forward first.

"Persephone, my dear child. Hermes told me the joyous news. I have a grandchild," his voice was thunderous and full of joy. Persephone moved Macaria so her face was uncovered, letting the gods and goddesses take in the sight of her daughter. "Oh my. She looks so much like you and Hades," Zeus gasped.

"Father, we came because we were summoned and also because I feel I should no longer be held to a child's agreement," Persephone said at last. Zeus nodded as he ushered her and Hades inside. Demeter was already inside, sitting in a chair beside the head of a long rectangular marble table. Hades and Persephone sat down opposite of her while Persephone gently bounced her stirring daughter. Silent tears streamed down Demeter's cheeks as she looked upon her daughter and the man responsible for all of this.

"Now Persephone, I understand having a child of your own changes things, as it should. But we still need you to bring forth spring," Persephone's hope faltered as she heard her father speak. "And you're right, you shouldn't be held to a child's agreement any longer. I propose you return to the surface world for one week to bring spring then again for one week to bring summer. After that week you may return to the Underworld to be with your husband and daughter," Persephone nodded, accepting her father's very generous terms. She smiled as she and Hades stood up from the table and walked outside. Hades kissed her softly then stepped up into the chariot. She looked down at her sweet sleeping Macaria and kissed her soft hair then handed her to her father. She watched with tear-filled eyes as they disappeared into the Earth without her. Her tears spilled over as she heard her mother speak at last.

"I'm sorry Kore. I know the pain you feel," she whipped around to face her mother. Anger filled her eyes as hot tears rolled down her cheeks.

"You know nothing of my pain! This is your fault! It is because of you mother that I am ripped away from my husband and daughter. You cling to me so desperately that you are ruining any love I have for you by making me hate you," Persephone screamed. She knew it was only a week, but for her this week would feel like an eternity.


The week passed slowly, Persephone hadn't spoken a word to her mother since she arrived. When Hades came to bring her home she ran from the Grand Hall as fast as her legs could carry her. There he stood at the base of the marble stairs, his beautiful black haired baby girl resting in his arm while the other was outstretched for his beautiful wife. She ran into his arm, crashing into his chest as she hugged him tightly then reached for her sweet baby girl. "She has missed you terribly," Hades chuckled as he handed her to Persephone. He lifted her up into the chariot, climbed in after her, then down they went. There was no welcome party when they arrived this time, which Persephone was grateful for. As soon as they were inside the palace she walked towards her gardens where she enjoyed sitting with Macaria during her naps. She settled down beneath her pomegranate tree for the afternoon, falling asleep with her sweet Macaria in her safe and loving embrace.

A Mythical Love: Hades and Persephone's Truth Part 2Where stories live. Discover now