Chapter Four: A Blessing and Death

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They were laying in the banks of Elysium, the waters of the river Oceanus flowing by them quietly. Her head rested on his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart. How funny, she thought, that death's heart beat.

"What are you giggling about now my sweet blessing?" Thanatos asked her calmly. She sat up, her dark hair falling into her face. He gently brushed it back from her face, tucking a large curl behind her ear. She smiled as his hand grazed her cheek, his calloused hands were soft and warm and left her skin burning with desire. She reached up to her face, holding his hand against her cheek for a moment longer, savoring his touch.

"Death has a heartbeat," she smiled.

He pulled his hand free from hers, running it down her jawline and neck, tracing the lines of her collarbone till he reached the strap of her chiton. "Ah yes, a heart that beats for you my sweet," he breathed in her ear. He pulled away from her suddenly, leaving her burning and that venture for another day. "Come, they shall be missing us soon. We have to get you back to the palace in time for your mother's arrival," he whispered. He stood then reached out for her hand, pulling her up from the ground before softly kissing her forehead. She felt the heat rising in her, turning her face red, making her hands and knees shake.


They reached the palace where he left her at the stone wall on the west side then snuck in through the kitchen. She walked around and entered through the front gates, marveling at all the statues of her mother that her father had erected in the courtyard since before her birth. It was her parent's love story, one she never grew tired of hearing.

"There you are!" Hecate yelled as she burst through the main doors of the palace. "I've searched the whole palace. Where have you been? Your mother is due to arrive soon," Hecate chastised her. She seized her hand, pulling her into the palace and up the marble staircase. They came to her room where she was shoved inside and quickly dressed in her nicest maroon robes. Her hair was brushed and pulled back from her face, a crown of thorns placed on top of her head, then she was shoved back out the door and pulled into the courtyard.

Like a flash of lightning her parents appeared in a midnight chariot. Her mother's copper curls billowed behind her and her father's face was frozen in a smile. Her father helped her mother down from their chariot just as she sprinted for them. She crashed into her mother, their arms encircling one another instantly while her father helped down a second person, a small woman with pale green hair. Then her attention was pulled back to her mother.

"Oh my beautiful Macaria, how I've missed you." her mother cooed as she stroked her soft hair. She radiated warmth and love and though it had only been one week she felt complete now that her mother was home with her. She heard her father chuckle from behind them, they both turned to see him staring at their exchange of affection before smiling back. The three of them walked through the gates toward the palace then stopped suddenly as her mother turned back and beckoned the strange new woman to come with them. Macaria glanced around, quickly finding Thanatos by Hecate's side as usual. She turned away and smiled to herself as she thought of their afternoon on the bank.


They dined in the banquet hall that evening. Her mother spoke to her of the surface world, of the sweet smelling flowers that grew there, of the forest animals that skittered around and played in the grassy fields, her new friend Minthe, and of course all the gods she's had to put up with for the last week. Macaria found Ares' irrational temper hilarious and was curious about all the scrolls Athena was said to be reading. She was curious about the surface world, but at the same time she couldn't imagine ever leaving the Underworld, even for a moment.

She retired to her room early that night, the events of the day having exhausted her. She changed into a sheer black nightgown then sat at her mirror to remove her crown and undo what Hecate had done to her hair.


He came to her that night, cloaked in darkness. She came out of her washroom to see him sitting on the edge of her bed, the hood of his cloak pulled down over his face. She padded over to him and pushed it back from his face revealing his crystal blue eyes and golden hair. She smiled when he looked up at her. He rested his hands on her hips, her nightgown did nothing to hide the curves and lines of her body. She shivered under his touch then leaned down to kiss him. It was soft at first, just a feather light brush of lips, then it slowly deepened. She tried to retreat but was pulled back in, his hand tangled in her hair as their lips crashed against one another. Her body was flooded with heat and desire. He stood up, never letting go of her, then lifted her up. Her legs wrapped around him instinctually, one hand rested on the small of her back while the other was tangled in her dark curls. He turned, laying her down on the bed and leaning over her as they kissed each other passionately. She gasped for breath against his warm lips, his tongue flicked out, licking her sweet lips. He laid down beside her, turning her towards him. She draped her leg over him, holding him close as she kissed him hungrily. She lost track of time laying there in his embrace with his warm lips on hers. They soon fell asleep, a tangle of limbs and passion unrealized.


They woke to the sound of glass shattering on the floor. She sat up swiftly to see Hecate standing there staring at her. A broken bowl and fruit scattered on the floor in front of her. She turned her head to see Thanatos asleep beside her still. Memories of last night filled her head as he began to stir beside her. His eyes fluttered open and found hers instantly. He stretched then sat up. He finally took in her expression and turned to see Hecate staring at them still.

"Sweet Olympus," he whispered under his breath. He grabbed his cloak from the floor beside the bed, kissed her forehead quickly then ran from the room. Macaria stared back at Hecate with tear filled eyes before getting up and walking into her washroom. 


She'd been summoned. She walked down the marble staircase to the banquet hall. When she opened the doors she saw her parents sitting on their thrones, Hecate stood to her mother's left while Thanatos kneeled on the floor before them. A tear slid down her cheek as she looked at him. She walked up to the thrones and bowed low then looked up into their faces. Her father was angry, she could see the fire in his eyes as he looked upon the man he thought had deflowered his little seedling, while her mother was calm.

"Mother, Father," she nodded to them respectfully. Her father stiffened as she spoke to them.

"Is it true Macaria, were you found with Thanatos in your bed?" she flinched at her father's icy tone and sharp words then nodded. He stood, his hands crashing down on the arms of his throne as he propelled himself up from his throne. "You dare lay with my daughter! After all these years, all the trust!" her father's words shook the stone walls making her flinch once more, tears ran from her eyes at a furious rate. The air was thick with tension as her father raged at her and Thanatos. Then suddenly the room began to calm, she looked up from the floor to see her mother's hand resting on her father's cheek. She was smiling at her father whispering softly enough that she and Thanatos couldn't hear their words. Her mother turned to them then and spoke softly.

"I don't believe you two have lain together, I do believe that the two of you love one another though. Who are we to judge you two for loving one another when it was we who broke the rules first. Go now, enjoy one another." her mother spoke sweetly. When Macaria looked up at her father's face she saw his anger replaced with sadness. Another tear skid down her cheek as she stretched her hand out to Thanatos. He looked up at her delicate white fingers then took her hand in his and stood up. He smiled down at her then looked up to his king and queen and nodded respectfully. He turned back to her and walked out of the banquet hall and into the courtyard with her. He turned to her and kissed her roughly, his hands rested on her cheeks as his lips pressed against hers. Her breath caught in her throat for a moment then she relaxed against him and kissed him as deeply as he'd kissed her. He lifted her up, cradling her against his chest then carried her off to the banks of Elysium.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2020 ⏰

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