Chapter One: Coming Home

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The Earth shook and quaked. Persephone sprinted from the room she'd been staying in on Mount Olympus. Just as she made it outside the Earth split open in front of her and out sprang Hades in his beautiful midnight chariot. A broad blinding smile spread across her lips as she ran down the marble steps to his open arms. She crashed into him slower than usual, holding him as close as her swollen belly would allow. He kissed her sweetly, smiling against her lips as he thought of taking her back to their home. He knelt down and kissed her large belly.

"Hello, my little one. And hello my beautiful wife," He said as he stood back up and kissed Persephone softly. He carefully helped Persephone up into the chariot and made her comfortable before getting in and settling next to her. Then in a flash, he flicked the reigns and away the stallions carried them. They dove deep into the Earth, darkness consumed them as the ground sealed up above them and the flew deeper into the Earth. The air grew thick for a few moments then light began to penetrate the surrounding darkness. The sunset like lighting of her beloved home was all around her. She inhaled deeply, soaking in the scents of the asphodel fields and the saltiness of the rivers of her home. The chariot touched the ground and brought them up to the gates of their palace. Standing in the open courtyard just beyond the gates were all of the inhabitants of the Underworld that Persephone and Hades held near and dear. Hades stepped out of the chariot and beckoned to Thanatos to help him in getting Persephone down from the chariot. The silky fabric clung to her swollen belly as she stood, announcing to all of their loved ones the joyous news of a new god or goddess that would soon join them. Thanatos gently helped Hades get Persephone down from the chariot. She smiled and kissed his cheek lightly, thanking him for his assistance.

Hecate rushed forward from the crowd and hugged Persephone as tightly as her belly would allow. "Oh, Persephone we've all missed you so much! And what amazing news! A baby, here, in the Underworld! It will be so loved and treasured," Hecate exclaimed. "We shall have a celebration," with that Hecate let go of Persephone and rushed off to plan and put her spells to work. Next came the three fates.

Hades and Persephone took their time thank each one of them. "Thank you for this," Persephone said as a few happy tears glided down her plump cheeks. She placed her hand on her swollen abdomen, feeling the baby moving within her and smiled. She reached out, finding Hades' hand and placing it where her's had been so he could feel their child move inside her. His smile was blinding as he felt his child moving and kicking.

"Come Persephone, I have a gift for you," he smiled and took her hand. She waddled along behind him, her free hand on her stomach as she took in the sight of her home after the last six months. He lead her up the large marble staircase. And down the long hallway to their bedroom. He pushed open the golden door that lead to their room. Inside the canopy bed was still the center of the room, her vanity and armoire were where they had been when she'd left, then she noticed it. A beautiful wrought iron crib was placed next to her side of the bed. The metal curled and twisted to look like vines and flowers. Inside was a goose feather mattress with silk sheets and a variety of blankets for their child.

"It's perfect Hades. So very very perfect," She whispered as she stroked the blankets with one hand and her belly with the other. Hades moved to stand behind her and rub her back.

"Hephaestus made it special for us. And Hestia made all the blankets and comfort items for inside it," He explained. Persephone felt each one of the blankets and imagined their sweet little child swaddled up in them as she held it close to her chest. She smiled and sat on the edge of their bed as she stared at the crib and thought about the life she was carrying inside her. "I'll be back in just a moment my Flower," Hades whispered as he kissed her forehead softly then disappeared out their bedroom door.


He returned shortly after to find Persephone asleep, a baby blanket clutched in one hand while the other rested on her belly. He smiled at his beautiful wife's sleeping form then backed out of the room and shut the door quietly. He walked door the marble staircase toward the banquet hall and found Hecate inside. Long dark wood tables lined the outer edges of the room, the walls were covered with black and maroon tapestries, and at the head of the room was the marble table that had been there on their wedding day. Their thrones were set behind it with extra pillows for Persephone's comfort. Hecate was rushing around scattering flowers and petals on the ground and tables before the guests arrived for the celebration.

"Master, everything is almost ready. The cooks are working endlessly on the food and the hall will be done shortly. How is our dear queen?" Hecate stopped when she saw Hades watching her rush around the room.

"She's doing well, she's asleep right now," He smiled as he thought of his sweet Seph asleep upstairs. She was finally back home with him, right where she belonged. Hecate smiled as she saw how happy her king was at the return of his beloved queen.

"Shall I send up some pomegranates for her?" He waved his hand, dismissing her question then returned to his chamber smiling at his still sleeping Persephone. He laid down on the bed beside her, feeling the weight of him next to her she curled into his chest, relaxing against him as she slept.


They woke to a sharp knock on the door to their chambers. "My king, it is almost time for the celebration. Does the queen need any help?" Hecate asked through the door. Persephone shook her head at Hades as they sat up in their bed.

"No, we'll be down shortly. Thank you, Hecate," Hades answered. He got up and helped Persephone up from their bed. She walked over to her armoire and riffled through her dresses. She found a deep green gown, the color of her eyes, with gold leaves stitched into it. Hades helped her remove the pink chiton her mother had laid out for her that morning and dressed her in the green chiton she'd picked out. Her gold rope belt was tied above and below her bump the help hold her dress in place. She arranged her curls neatly and stuck flowers in her hair while Hades adorned himself in his nicest robes, long and black with gold threading around the hem. He fastened his cloak then walked back to Persephone and placed her crown of thorns and flowers on her head. She looked at herself in the mirror, here she was who she was always meant to be. She was a queen, she was a woman, she was Hades'. Hades took her hand and helped her up from her seat at the vanity and escorted her out of their room. He carefully walked her down the marble staircase and to the banquet hall. They could hear music from within and excitedly thrust the doors open. The tables were covered with meats and fruits of all varieties, the music was played loud and joyfully, people twirled and pranced around the dancefloor. As Hades and Persephone entered they stopped as the couple would pass to say hello and give their congratulations on the joyous news. They finally reached their thrones, the marble altar in front of them was covered with meat and fruits, and directly in front of Persephone's throne was a large bowl of pomegranate seeds. She sat on her throne, covered by the softest pillows she'd ever felt and watched as her loved ones and other subjects danced and celebrated the return of their queen.  She smiled at their delight and enjoyed her pomegranate seeds as Hades spoke to her and feasted on the spread before them.

"What shall we name our little god or goddess my sweet Flower?" Hades asked her as he took another grape from the table. She smiled as she thought about their baby once more. Then it struck her, she'd only thought of girl names when she imagined her baby.

"Well, I haven't thought about what to name it if its a boy, but I know what to name the baby should we have a girl. Macaria," she whispered to her husband. They leaned into each other closely, whispering sweetly to one another as they spoke of their unborn child. They smiled and laughed as they imagined the life they would have once the baby arrived.

"Ahem," they were interrupted quietly. They looked up to see Thanatos standing before them. "Hecate said we were supposed to save the gifts for the babe's arrival, but I wanted you to have this now," he whispered to them. He held out a beautiful silver rattle encrusted with onyx and emeralds. Persephone gave the rattle the tiniest shake and heard the sweet sound of a bell ring from within the delicate rattle.

"Thank you Thanatos, it's beautiful. I'm sure she will love it," Persephone cued as she rubbed small circles on her belly. Thanatos gave a small smile, a sight rarely seen. He bowed low then left to go back to the table Hecate sat at with the fates.

"So, a girl?" Hades asked, he quirked his eyebrow at her and smiled. She smiled back and nodded, she was certain. He leaned down and spoke softly to Persephone's belly. She smiled at the sight of her husband's happiness and what was soon to come.

A Mythical Love: Hades and Persephone's Truth Part 2Where stories live. Discover now