I'm back! (BTS, Seoul, BT21)

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I can't even remember the last time I actually did stuff on here. During the school year I saw jay park and dyed my hair blonde but that's it....i don't think I even posted pictures from the bts concert!! Ugh omg guys it was amazing. I saw bts. Not from far away either like I was 20 ft away from them. Not in the crowd either. They could see me, I could see them kind of thing. I cried soooo fucking hard during epiphany. I was such a baby. I knew certain songs would make me cry and what do you know, they did. I balled at epiphany because they lyrics mean a lot to me, and they played the untold truth right after epiphany. Lawd. It was a mess, I was crying, tae was crying, my friend that went with me cried. Everyone was just crying. Lmfaooo

Anywhooooo here's my proof.

Anywhooooo here's my proof

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Also, I'm going to study abroad in Seoul next year and I realllllllyyyyy want to go to this one college but I have to be "accepted" for that college

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Also, I'm going to study abroad in Seoul next year and I realllllllyyyyy want to go to this one college but I have to be "accepted" for that college. So when I apply I get accepted no matter what. If you apply you go. There are 4 colleges you can go to and the one college you can pick only allows 4 people to go....and I wanna go. I've always been interested in the college in korea too. Like please let me goooo. But if I don't get accepted to that college to go then I just default go to one of the other three colleges. When I mean accepted, I mean the advisors looking over our applications look at the reasons why we want to go and they decide where to send us. UGHHHHHH. Its such a pain through because I have to get my passport renewed... BUT.


I got a tata and mang plushie....the big one...the 43 dollar one....and I got a cooky passport cover so I'll be traveling in styleeeeee. Lmfao my friend got the 100 dollar cooky plushie. Its literally like the size of me.... And here's a picture of me and my friend struggling at the line store. this picture was candid too lmfaooo

 this picture was candid too lmfaooo

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I also ordered a BTS coca cola....i got a shooky plushie magnet with it.... Lol I really need to stop.

Its finally break and I have about 3 weeks left until I go back to school. I'm going to write as much as I can because my life is going to be hecticccc. Look out for some updates on my chapters and thank you for supporting me even though I didn't even do anything on my account for the past like 5 months! 

i'm so obsessed right now with thanks by seventeen...i love ittttt!

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