Chapter 4

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"Answering your first question, I’m Jayk Ash and this is Doctor Tibult, he is the one who saved your life. As for your whereabouts all you need to know now at this stage is that you are safe," Jayk said, he could see the girl was extremely confused and he didn’t want to break the news to her that she was in The Hidden realm. A realm humans didn’t know of. He will wait for her to get more settled in and comfortable before he tells her more. And besides he didn’t want to throw everything on her so soon.

"Why did the doctor need to save my life?" She asked as her gaze flitted to the doctor who gave her a shy smile.

"There was an incident and you broke your hip. If it wasn’t for the doctor’s quick response, you might’ve died." Jayk said.

Haylee gave a small grateful smile to the doctor, but her smile was quickly replaced with a look of worry.

"My parents, I need to tell them where I am," Haylee wanted to move but pain shot through her once more followed by another scream.

"Please malady, you must lay still. You are badly injured." Haylee gave a reluctant nod.

"Do my parents know I’m safe?" Haylee asked Jayk. He wanted to tell her that her parents were dead, but she was already in physical pain, he didn’t want to give her emotional pain too. Looking into her eyes, he couldn’t bring himself to tell her the truth so he did the only thing he could think of. He lied. It caused a sharp pain to his heart, but he didn’t let it show. Dragons couldn’t lie and if they did they would be rewarded with sharp pains in their chests.

"They know you are here and that you are safe." Haylee nodded but then a guarded look came over her face.

"Then why aren’t they here checking on me? Why aren’t they here telling me themselves what happened?" She asked skeptically.

"I will tell you everything later, but for now you must rest," Jayk said.

"No, I want to know. I want to know now!" She said defiantly. This girl was sure persistent.

"Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. You are in another realm known as the Hidden realm. The Hidden realm consists of five kingdoms, each with different magical creatures. That is all you need to know now. And you are in the kingdom of Ashrock, the dragon kingdom," Jayk rushed out before he took a big breath. He didn’t want to tell her about the Hidden realm, not like this anyway. His temper got the best of him like it always did.

She looked at him and then at the doctor before she burst out in laughter.

"You’re telling me…that you are a dragon?" She said between laughs.

"And that I’m in some other realm, and not on earth anymore," She said as she continued to laugh, but the laughter caused her pain, she flinched and she stopped laughing. A smile was now on her face.

"Okay, okay. Whose idea was this? Did Karen put you up to this? She knows how much I love fantasy novels and dragons," Haylee asked as she looked around waiting for someone to jump out of somewhere screaming that this was some kind of joke.

"Who is Karen?" Jayk asked as his nose scrunched up in confusion. He couldn’t believe that she was laughing at him. She thought that he was lying; now he just had to show her that he wasn’t.

lShe is my best friend and she usually pulls these pranks on me," Haylee said.

"I’m sorry, I do not know her," Jayk said.

"The jigs up, I know that this is an elaborate prank. So where is she?"

"She is not here," Jayk said getting more and more frustrated.

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