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They say young love isn't real. 

That you don't know true love until you're older and experience more in life. 

However, Louis never believed that. He knew love and he knew what he felt the day he met the love of his life. It was years ago, back in year three when he was only eight. He was tiny and goofy and the class clown, as some may label him. As a person, Louis was never serious nor was he able to keep his attention to one thing. Many teachers assumed he had ADHD, but nope. That was just his personality. He got bored easily. However, one-day things changed and there was an exception to that. 

It was another day in school and Louis paid no mind to anything. He was goofing off, laughing with his friends and having a good time. Then the door opened and a curly-haired boy with the prettiest smile walked into the room with the principal, all awkward and shyly grinning at the teacher. 

His name was Harry and Louis thought he was the prettiest person in the world. 

Since that day, nothing was the same. Louis never had a crush. He didn't get butterflies around girls, because girls had cooties and they were gross. And it was weird to think he got butterflies just by looking at Harry, because that's what happens when you like someone, right? He's seen it in movies and his friends had crushes before and they say the girl is pretty when they talk about them. 

As time went on, Louis knew he really liked Harry. 

That he even loved Harry. 

Such a word shouldn't be uttered from a young boy's mouth, but it was true. He felt it. While he got distracted from class, it was because he was focused on Harry. The one 'thing' in the world that can truly gather his full attention and he didn't even realize that. He was just so beautiful. 

Harry was the type of kid that Louis usually hated. He was so driven and smart and always raised his hand to answer questions. He got A's on all his tests and always did his homework. He always wore his entire school uniform while Louis always forgot something every day. But he was silly and said dumb knock knock jokes that Louis rolled his eyes at but still giggled because for some reason, they were funny. 

And yet, Harry didn't even know Louis existed. 

The thing is, Harry was the boy that all the eight year old girls had a crush on. Like every girl who wanted a boyfriend, wanted Harry to be their boyfriend. Well, him and Zayn Malik, who Louis couldn't stand because Harry was friends with him and Zayn always made Harry laugh. It was infuriating, especially at that age. The point is, Harry was the sweet boy all the girls loved, and Zayn was the cute boy all the girls loved. In Louis' opinion, Harry is both those things so he was kind of offended that the girls didn't even think he's cute. 

And it was funny since Harry didn't notice all the girls wanted him and he always assumed they just wanted to be friends and jump rope together at recess. Louis would play hide and seek with his friends and secretly watch with longing eyes as Harry jumped rope with the girls. He was that one boy that hung out with only girls (occasionally Zayn Malik, but only in class). 

So while all the girls just 'flirted' and giggled at Harry, Louis fonded over him and listened as he spoke and admired from afar. He'd watch as Harry lingered off on his own when the girls lost interest in him. He'd smile when Harry sat in the field and played with the ladybugs and grinned at the butterflies. He found Harry so beautiful and mesmerizing. How he just stared at nature and was fascinated by the beauty of it all while Louis was fascinated by him. And Louis knew this was love. 

Cause all kids at that age were shallow and didn't care much about the person they had a 'crush' on. But Louis. He truly loved Harry and he knew this, because one day while he was being driven home by his mum, she was playing 'Look After You' by the Fray. And Louis' dramatic self was sitting in the car, looking out the window and staring at the clouds, listening to the lyrics of the song. 

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