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I went outside to find a surly Austin and a sulky Tim sitting around in the back yard, while something amazing smelling turned on the grill. Nobody seemed inclined to explain what had happened, but reading between the frown lines I'd say Tim got told – again – to keep away from Ellie. I pulled on my shirt, certain I saw Ellie watching from the patio door.

Fortunately a few jokes and a couple of beers later, everyone was relaxed again and it seemed as though Tim and I had avoided a stand-off. Might have been amusing though; I wondered how we would have done it ... lowest note gets the girl?

'Gets the girl' ... I really shouldn't be thinking like that. Should I? Do I have any chance of 'getting' this girl? Do I even want to?

Just then Ellie walked out with a tray of sweet iced tea, her hair shining in the sun, dress clinging to her curves, clear blue eyes ... she winked as she set the tray on the table beside me.

Yes. Yes I do.

I volunteered to help her and her mother in the kitchen, and couldn't resist a little smile at Tim as I jumped to my feet and she linked her arm through mine. "Aren't you sweet?!" she cooed.

I caught Austin's expression, anticipating a glower, but he just looked thoughtful. Maybe he's coming around to the idea that if his little sister is going to date someone, better me than Tim.

The ladies bustled around the kitchen while I set to work chopping vegetables. I wasn't sure if I was imagining things, but it seemed like Ellie was giving me a bit more hands-on direction than was strictly necessary. I knew I wasn't imagining it when she ran her fingers through the hair on the back of my neck and leaned in as she reached across me for a dish. I felt a little quiver in my stomach and then ... whump. There it went again – like my heart had swelled past the comfort point. ‘… the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day.’

Ellie giggled. "Are you feeling Christmassy in April?" I looked up at her puzzled.

"You were humming the Grinch song."

"Oh," I laughed, embarrassed. "I didn't even realize."

"It's okay, that’s my favourite Christmas movie," she smiled shyly. "Anyways, it sounded nice. I could hardly hear it but I could feel you vibrating." She bit her lip and looked rather studiously at the salad.

Hmm, maybe I make her quiver too.

After dinner was done and cleaned up, Austin prepared to drive Tim to the airport, and invited us to go along for the ride.

"No thanks," Ellie spoke up before I could open my mouth. "Avi and I are going to stay home with mom and watch a movie."

I shook Tim's hand and he whispered to me: "I guess I can let you win this time. It's not fair if I get to be the better bass AND get the girl."

I gave him a friendly slap on the shoulder. "Whatever helps you sleep at night, pal!"

Ellie gave him a hug, which I was glad to see was brief, then we waved goodbye as the truck pulled away.

She skipped off to look for a movie we'd all enjoy, but just as she queued up The Princess Bride, Mrs. Brown came in and said she was heading to bed early to nurse a headache.

Ellie gave her mom a hug and I smiled stiffly. Holy crap, I was not prepared for this. What do I do? Do I make a move? If I was totally misreading her, I wouldn't put it past her to punch me in the face.

Then I remembered Tim's comment about her being a 'force of nature'. If she liked me, she'd let me know it. No point putting myself out there unless I'm sure. I just have to wait and see what happens.

A Burning Thing {Avi Kaplan fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now