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The time leading up to our departure was a whirlwind. It felt like all we did was eat, sleep, rehearse, record, repeat.

We landed in Seoul, Korea, after a billion-hour flight and fell into our hotel like the walking dead. I had no idea what time it was, and wasn't even completely sure what day it was, but I was confident that Esther would haul our butts out of the hotel in time to be wherever we needed to be. So each time my eyes opened, I just rolled over, cuddled Ellie closer to me and went back to sleep. After probably 12 hours of sleep, Ellie kicked me out of bed to go brush my teeth so we could make out. After a couple more (highly entertaining) hours we finally hit the shower and went in search of breakfast.

We ran into Kevin in the lobby and all headed out together. I was totally open to trying some new foods while I was in Asia, but for our first meal we decided to stick to something familiar. The concierge recommended a place with the unlikely name of "The Travel Maker", and we were rewarded with an amazing American-style breakfast.

I went to use the bathroom and came back to find Kevin and Ellie in a hushed conversation.

"What are you guys plotting?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Both of them startled and looked a bit embarrassed, but Ellie quickly recovered her composure.

"Be a good boy and maybe you'll find out," she said with a wink, sipping her orange juice. Kevin smiled but refused to say anything.

During the cab ride back to the hotel I asked again, but Ellie shut me up with a kiss and told me to be patient. Verrrry curious ...

Our phones all buzzed simultaneously. "Must be the mother hen calling us home!" Kevin joked. Sure enough it was a text from Esther. Twenty minutes later we got out of the cab in front of the hotel to find most of our group already standing around outside.

Esther came over to tell us that our cabs would be arriving any minute. "We just need Scott and Mitch and then we're ready to go to the auditorium and check out the set-up. Do you need to go back to your room before we leave?"

I needed to grab a few things and Ellie decided to go up as well. As we rode up in the elevator, I glanced over to find that she was chewing her lip and looking anxious. I gave her hand a squeeze. "What's wrong?"

"I think I should probably just stick around the hotel until it's time for the show," she said.

"What? Why? It's an afternoon show so it's not like you'd have that long to wait around."

"I know, I just think maybe it would be better if I stayed out of Esther's hair as much as possible," she said, sounding sad.

"Hey, not this again," I chastised gently. "I told you, her issue isn't even with you. And if push comes to shove she's just going to have to get over it because I. Am. Yours." I pulled her in close and illustrated the point by brushing my lips softly over the sensitive area behind her ear, nuzzling and nipping until she leaned into me and moaned.

The elevator doors opened and a Korean couple looked slightly mortified to find us with my hand up the back of Ellie's shirt and her fingers entwined in my hair. We straightened ourselves up and hustled out as Ellie broke down in giggles.


The day was expected to be hot so we quickly changed into lighter clothes, and I grabbed an extra shirt to perform in later since I'd undoubtedly sweat through the one I was wearing during rehearsal.

"I honestly don't know how you perform in those beanies, you are going to melt your brain one day!" she said as I locked the door, and she grabbed my beanie and took off down the hall. I chased after her, catching her around the waist and swinging her over my shoulder. I slapped her bottom until she agreed to return my hat, then slid her down until her legs were around my waist. I carried her onto the elevator and leaned her up against the wall, teasing her lips with my tongue before pressing in for a deeper kiss.

A Burning Thing {Avi Kaplan fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora