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We continued to amuse and annoy those around us with our public displays of affection through two flights, a layover and a fairly hot and heavy taxi ride. By the time we made it back to my apartment (fortunately my roommate Kevin was still visiting his family) we barely made it to my bed before resuming what we'd started the night before.

Having spent so many hours kissing and teasing and essentially having verbal foreplay, the actual sex was frantic and fast. Clothes off, condom on ... it was over almost as soon as it began.

"I'm sorry that was so quick," I said, cursing my manhood for its lack of patience.

"Quick?! If you think about it, it took almost six hours! Besides, if I'd had to wait another minute I think I would have self-combusted."

I laughed and Ellie sighed into my ear. “I hope … I hope you don’t think less of me for letting things move so fast,” she said softly. “I swear this isn’t typical for me. I can’t explain it, I just feel like we’ve known each other forever.”

I picked up her hand and laced her fingers with mine, surprised by how perfectly they seemed to fit together.

“It’s okay, I understand – I don’t usually jump into bed with girls I’ve just met either, but it didn’t feel rushed at all.” I pulled her so that she was lying on top of me, her hair framing her face and tickling my chest. “I promise I will respect you in the morning,” I teased.

Ellie turned to check the clock on the wall. “I hate to say it, but it is morning.” I groaned, seeing the numbers displaying 8:45 a.m. “So,” she continued, “now we have to decide whether we go to sleep and mess up our body clocks, or try to get up and just skip a night’s sleep.”

“I don’t have anywhere to be today, do you?” She shook her head. “In that case,” I rolled us both onto our sides, “it’s about time you learned something about me. I can sleep any time, any where, and I NEVER skip sleep if I don’t have to.”

Ellie laughed and draped a leg over mine. “I am very happy to say that’s something we have in common.” She nestled her head between my chin and shoulder. “And this is a very comfortable spot to sleep right here.”


When we finally woke up it was after noon and the sun was shining across the bed. Ellie’s leg was still over mine and her arm was around my waist, and as much as it felt amazing, I was starting to overheat. I peeled her limbs off of me and quietly made my way to the shower.

When I came out, she was standing by my dresser wearing nothing but my t-shirt and looking at the photos I had on display. In fact, she’d opened a frame and was looking at the back of a picture when I came up behind her and put my arms around her waist. She blushed at having been caught snooping.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have peeked, I was just looking for names to see who is who.”

“That’s okay, I don’t have any secrets,” I said, briefly struck by how true that was. I guess I just haven’t gotten up to enough mischief in my life. “The one you’re holding is of me when I was little.”

“No way, you were blonde?!” she giggled, pointing at my pale curls.

“Yep, pretty much until I hit puberty.”

I picked up another photo of my family. “Those are my parents, my brother Josh and my sister Esther.”

“I wasn’t kidding about being a Pentaholic,” Ellie said. “I’ve followed all of you on Twitter long enough to know about Esther being your tour manager and biggest fan.”

A Burning Thing {Avi Kaplan fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now