Home [Lemon]

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"Go home." 

"You were my home."

Word Count: 1984


One of Ink's favorite memories of Error was their lovemaking.

It was in the way that Error held him with such gentle tenderness that he knew he was loved. Error was like that. He could be coarse, rough, and even downright mean when he wanted to be, but when it mattered, he was gentle, soft, and loving.

It was in the way that he put Ink's needs above his own. How he always made sure Ink was ready, that Ink was satisfied, that Ink was never left wanting. He listened to Ink when he expressed his desires and wants. He let Ink take the lead when he wanted, becoming submissive to his partner's every whim, though he could take control when it suited Ink's needs.

Ink remembered their first time as clearly as he remembered the first time he touched tool to paper.

It had been after their truce, when they were still just getting used to one another. He and Error had been working on touching one another. First, they started by gently touching one fingertip to the other's fingertip. He remembered the look of disgust he had seen on Error's face. It made him want to laugh, but for once he held it in. Error was trying. For him. The least he could do was hold back on his part.

They progressed rather quickly, by Error's standards. They had been wrapped in one of their hugs when Error kissed him. It had taken him by surprise, but it wasn't unwelcome.

"Ink, you're the only one who's ever tried to connect with me. Thank you." Error had said when they broke apart. Ink had laughed. It was his way. His heart was pounding, his face was flushing, and the only thing he could think to do in response was kiss Error again. Maybe he should have said something more. He always should have said something more.

As Error grew more comfortable with kissing, he began to be more aggressive, but he still held back. Ink was often left frustrated at the end of a make out session when Error had to suddenly pull away, his touch too much for the glitch. He could tell that Error knew he had left Ink wanting by the pained grimace Ink saw on his face. It was becoming hard for both of them. Error because he wanted to please Ink; and Ink because he wanted more than what Error could give him.

One day, it just happened.

It was a bit of a surprise for both of them. Error had broken away from their kiss and timidly moved his mouth to Ink's neck, hovering just above the bone. Error's breath was driving his senses into overdrive, making him squirm in anticipation. Then the other pulled away. Ink gritted his teeth as he waited for Error to pull away entirely, leaving him flushed and unsatisfied. But he didn't.

"Ink..." He could hear the hesitancy in Error's voice. "Can I...? Can we...?" Ink had never heard Error sound so unsure of himself. He held his breath, waiting. It felt like a millennium before Error spoke again.

"Can we... have sex?"

And of course, Ink laughed. He felt Error pulling away, so he quickly tightened his hold on the other skeleton.

"We may." He answered, pulling back just enough so that he could see Error peeking up at him from the crook in his shoulder. He saw relief and excitement pass through Error's eyes before what appeared to be a smile crossed his lips and he leaned into Ink's neck again, giving it a hesitant kiss that sent a shock through the smaller skeleton's body. Error paused, unsure of himself. Ink gently placed a hand at the base of Error's skull, rubbing the spot tenderly.

"I'll tell you if I don't like something." He assured his soon-to-be lover. He wanted Error to know he was in control, that he could stop when he wanted, that he could try anything he might want or need. Error needed to be assured that this was all right, that these touches were all right. Ink wanted him desperately, but not at the expense of Error's wellbeing.

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