Pirate!Ink x Prince!Error (Fluff-y)

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Prompt: Why can't the pirate get the prince(ss)?

Word Count: 2,331


"Are you ready to accept your fate, pirate?" The King asked, staring down the criminal in front of him.

"I know I'll die." Ink said with a slight smirk on his face. Even when facing his own death, he couldn't keep a serious face. He could see how angry this made the king.

Ink stood at the gallows, the lonely figure set for execution that day. They wanted it to focus on him: the youngest, most feared pirate captain in history. The terror of the seas. He had to admit to himself, it was pretty cool that he had sparked such a reaction in the "revered" king. The king was nothing like he wanted the people to believe. He was a true villain, and Ink was nothing compared to him.

The pirate glanced to the king's side, trying to sneak another glimpse at the crown prince. He was a dark skeleton, like his father, but with blue streaks running from his eyes to his jaw. He was fascinating to look at, and Ink couldn't help himself. Even his eyes were strange, but in a way that Ink found pleasing. He would have loved to get a closer look...

Their eyes met.

A second went by.

And then another.

It looked like the prince had no intention of breaking their stare, and Ink wasn't one to back down from a challenge.

The king noticed and growled, jerking Ink's attention away. It didn't seem the king enjoyed a pirate staring so intensely at his only son. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the prince up and gently scratch at his eye.

"Any last words?" The king asked, as was customary.

"Yeah..." Ink paused, feeling the noose being lifted from around his neck. He looked up and saw one of his crew members waving at him from the crowd. So, they had come. But how was he going to get out of this noose? Away from all these people.

"I'm not going to die today."

And as the words were out of his mouth, the noose snapped into tiny pieces, startling Ink. He could only look for a moment, but he was sure he saw blue strings mixed in with the ruined rope pieces.

He raised his fist and was quickly lassoed, as his crew had planned, and was pulled up the ramparts.

He could hear the king's screeches as he made his escape. It had been a bad move on the king's part to have his execution in a coastal town.

Ink frowned as he brought himself out of his reminiscence. He had escaped death several time before and after that event, but it was the one that stuck out the most to him. Because of the prince. Their stare down had been forever etched in his memory, which was spotty at best, but he remembered every second they had stared at each other. The prince's expression had given nothing away, not even curiosity that Ink had been staring at him. He couldn't tell if the prince had just as intrigued by him as Ink was of him, or if he was trying to intimidate him. All it had done was make Ink fixated on him.

He learned what he could about the prince without making it obvious. He learned his name was Error, and that at that exact moment in time, Error had been seventeen years old. It had been years since then, so Ink knew he was older now. Old enough to start taking care of some of his father's business.

It had taken a while to plan his revenge on the king and getting intel on the royal family was hard to come by. The king knew he had enemies and had taken all precautions when it came to him, and especially to his heir, which is who Ink really wanted information on.

ErrorInk One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang