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Hosu was full of heroes on alert looking, including your team due to the attack from the Hero Killer going by the name Stain.

It had been a few nights since the attack on Ingenium, yet the town was peaceful, too peaceful. Getting your phone out you notice multiple missed calls and messages from the man who broke your heart.

Sho - Look I'm sorry please let me know you're ok? It's dangerous.

Sho - We need to talk come back!

Sho - (f/n) I know you're pissed but the class misses you and you're advice. Hell Hizashi and All Might are giving me shit! Just call me back let me know you're at least safe.'

The messages had been like this ever since you had left at the sports festival. Ghosting the messages you move to more important ones from Seb.

Camo - Hey, just going on my rounds of Hosu. Keep me posted on sightings.

Seb - No worries boss lady no sighting at the moment. Nothing on the other Villains either!

Camo - Good stuff. Give my baby kitty cuddles for me and I hope to be home as soooon as possible miss you!

After responding, with a picture in a return of Seb with your cat Happy. Walking around Hosu it was quiet with everyone out and about on there on business. However, all you saw couples on dates, couples holding hands, couples making out, hell all you could focus on was people in happy relationships.

Taking a back you needed a minute to catch your breath, recompose yourself back to your normal self. Feeling a little nauseous you made your way down a side ally, placing your head against the brick wall. Lost in the sound of your own heartbeat, you didn't even hear him sneak up behind you until a serrated blade went through your shoulder and a hand placed over your mouth.

Instantly, couldn't move and your mind started to panic as you were being turned around to face your attacker against your own will.

"Well, look what I have here another greedy hero just out to make money. It's people like you I can't stand in the society it needs to be cleansed by spilling your blood." the man you've been hunting states. With your eyes wide as the moon, his hand covers your mouth limiting your breathing. As much as you try to move your body, to fight back but it won't follow what you willed it to do.

'Shit this must be his quirk but how I didn't see him do anything! This is it no one knows I'm here. I should have messaged him back told him I loved him I'm such an idiot. I don't want to die. I want to save more people. I want to see that class become heroes! I want to see him!' It's as if your mind is racing with all the thoughts of what you want, the blood seeping out of your shoulder is making you go hazy.

"Pll....ease! I Caaa...n'ttt *cough* breathhhhh" your voice is raspy begging for air. "Yo....u'lll payyyy fo...r t.hh...is!" is all you can get out between his filthy bloodstained hand across your lips.

"Well not very hero-like at all just like I thought." is all you hear, your mind starts getting fuzzy from the lack of air and blood.

'This is it! I'm going to die!' the words screaming through your head.

All of a sudden you hear movement from the edge of the ally, 'It's him he has come to save me!' but as your eyes look over, it's not Shota Aizawa but none other than his student Iida Tenya the brother of Ingenium. Due to your blood loss state, you're unable to make out fully what they're saying. Alas it's clear it's not good, as your drowsy eyes gaze at the young boy. With just a glance, all you see is hatred, filled with the desire for revenge. '

Broken Heart! Shota Aizawa x Reader. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now