As soon as you'd said you wanted a home visit, Doctor Appleby came into the room looking from you to the form hero.
"So, you want a home visit today?" the woman stared at your face, to make sure that you were ready for this. Glancing at her with your undercovered eye you nodded, the look of determination on your face. The look alone made the one who'd treated you smirk. "You really are everything they said." It was a compliment, but it just put confusion on your face.
"Is it ok, if I accompany you. It's just to make sure you don't hurt yourself." the woman was serious, as Toshinori was on the phone to Principle Nezu explaining the situation and to not tell Aizawa.
Nodding to state you understood what the doctor was advising, she began to make preparations on transporting you to the dorms. Since you couldn't walk you would need to be in a wheelchair, but All Might said that he could lift you with the little bits of his quirk he had left, in and out of the chair.
"Doctor, I'm going to get her something a little nicer to wear. What size?" the blonde was wanting to make you feel comfortable. That made the woman smile at how considerate your friend was arranging the visit home for you. The doctor was praying that this would be successful and that you wouldn't go into another fit of rage. It was also unknown how your husband would react to you doing this without his knowledge.
Off the retired hero went to get something comfy for you to wear, the doctor decided to do your hair for you after they helped you shower. It took a couple of hours but eventually, you looked a little like your original self, with a comfy grey t-shirt dress on, with long black socks but no shoes. Your hair was braid back to a ponytail, but you wore no makeup and had a patch over your right eye.
Toshinori waited whilst they got you ready before eventually, the doctor came out with you in a wheelchair.
"Ready to go? Are you sure you want to do this Mrs Aizawa?" The woman whose care you were in, was concerned but your nod reassured her, however, for an emergency she had a sedative just in case.
" look amazing (f/n)!" All Might bellowed in the hallway making you cover your ears, to motion he was too loud. At the same time your mind was going crazy with emotions of seeing your husband and Seb, but also the little girl Eri that Toshinori had filled you in about. Completely unaware that it was possible the students, you'd grown attached to would be there.
Getting out into the fresh air, as is washed over your skin a blanket is placed over you to keep you warm. Scars littering your skin from the torture you'd been put through, as you took a deep breath of the outside for the first time in over a year. Before you knew it, you were sat in a hospital van in your wheelchair, with All Might following in his car. The drivers and doctors not saying anything to you, in order to let you come to terms with the next part of your life and what you were wanting to do.
At U.A the bell had gone, and as usual, the students made their way back to the dorms on the drizzly Friday afternoon. All hoping that the sun would come out for the weekend, deciding to spend the night all together in the common room watching movies. Aizawa went to pick Eri up from school and then headed to the dorms himself to wait for All Might to arrive to take care of the little girl, so he could come to visit you.
Walking in the students welcome Eri, as Aizawa went to the kitchen making her some food a little annoyed that the babysitter was still yet to arrive. That's when the doorbell went making the man with his black hair back in a bun sigh, at how late the previous symbol of peace was. "Could someone open the door to All Might?" he called out to the group, Midoriya instantly jumping to his feet beating anyone else to the door.
"Hey All Migh... Huh?" when the green-haired boy open the door the tired, but smiling face of Seb was stood there.
"Oh hey Midoriya, been a while." he looked at little confused himself as Midoriya opened the door wider.
"Yep, it has. Everything, ok?" the young guy was slightly confused that the red-haired man was here in place of All Might.
"Oh yeh...where is Aizawa?" smiling but it was clear he hadn't truly smiled for almost a year, the apple green shiny eyes were fading. However, he put a bigger smile on his face when Eri saw the red-haired man.
"Uncle Sebbbb!" she called out running to the man, making all the students look at Aizawa run out of the room to look at the man confused
"Hey, little unicorn." smiling at the girl he put her down, "Just gonna chat to your dad." he looked a little confused at the fact All Might wasn't here either.
"Oki!" the white-haired girl with the big red eyes ran back to the place she was colouring with Mina and Toru, whilst Seb walked to the kitchen to help Aizawa prepare food.
"Hey." the red-haired man commented to the man eyeing him suspiciously.
"Hey, so no offence why are you here?" Aizawa was blunt as the man chuckled dryly.
"All Might told me to come here for this time?" it was clear that Seb wasn't sure either what he was doing at the dorms.
"That idiot should be looking after Eri, whilst I visit (f/n)...he is late." there was clear annoyance in the man's voice. However, he didn't realise that you were only moments away from ringing the doorbell, as you were sheltered with an umbrella from the rain, Toshinori pushing your wheelchair. The doctor and ambulance staff giving you space but gave All Might a button to push and they would be there in a minute to subdue you.
"Oh...he didn't say what it was about. Just said to make sure I arrived after you were back from picking Eri up. Strange, that's all it said." checking his phone he made him and Aizawa a coffee. "Here you go. If he doesn't arrive soon. I'll take care of her till your back." smiling the man you loved just nodded.
Something was niggling at the back of his head, remembering he'd not seen the skeletal blonde man all day at school. When he'd asked anyone they said that he wasn't feeling too great but maybe in later. So, when he'd received the message to look after Eri it had surprised him, to say the least.
Sighing in defeat he plated the little girl's food up and took it out to her so that the students could use the kitchen. "Thankoo," Eri smiling as she instantly started to tuck into the food in front of her.
"You don't mind do you, Seb? I'm gonna call All Might." Aizawa was a little concerned that something may have actually happened to the former hero.
"Sure dude, it's not like him to be late," Seb commented taking a seat next to Eri, as she filled the hero in, about her day at school, whilst the student of 2-A began getting some food before settling down for the night.
Grabbing his phone, Aizawa got All Might's number up and was about to press send when the doorbell went. 'bout fuckin' time!' the grumpy man thought making his way to the door, swinging it open with a pissed off look on his face before dropping the phone in his hand as he looked from the blue eyes of All Might, to your (e/c) one that looked at him nervously, not sure if this was the right thing or not.
***Thank you for reading***

Broken Heart! Shota Aizawa x Reader. (Completed)
Fanfiction"In the world eighty percent of the population has access to some form of supernatural ability, known as a Quirk. Having a powerful Quirk is a fast route to social power and fame. Some individuals, however, are born without a Quirk. They are called...