What felt like only minutes had passed to you when in fact it had been a few hours. Your body started convulsing as you awoke in a coughing fit but were unable to cover your mouth due to being restrained. Hands in chained in a way that you were unable to touch anything. Whoever had taken you had done their research. Clearly that knew that if you touched the right type of material it would enable to break your restraints.
The gas itself had made your head spin making it difficult at first to take in your surroundings. 'Shit...this is bad' the feeling in your gut let you know that this could be it. That whatever the people that captured you for, could mean the end of the line and just when your life had begun to make you happy.
With your vision hazy all you make out is a dark dank concrete room, the smell of damp in the room. That's when you begin to feel a constant cold drip of water on your head, running down your face, and it seemed that even your clothes had been removed minus underwear. 'Double shit' you began to rattle the chains and adrenaline began pounding around your muscles with one goal in mind 'Get Free'.
Within seconds of the chains rattling the sound, a large metal creaky door was pushed open.
"Well look who finally decided to wake up!" the tone was sadistic and you, unfortunately, knew it all too well.
"GREY, YOU BASTARD!" your voice echoing off the baren walls of the room, as the man cackled in pleasure at the view of your sweet body all chained up and with no escape.
"Always did have the mouth of a sailor!" storming over he grabbed your face hard, squishing your cheeks together and your lips parted like a goldfish. "Least you know how to work it," his words were seductive as hell, but it did nothing for you as his fingertips slivered down your bare torso. "Maybe we have sometime bef..."
"Grey, leave her alone we need her to talk nothing more." the voice sounded pissed but also childish. As you look up your eyes widen at the man who stood there, messy light blue hair, a hand over his face and others attached to different parts of his body. The clothes he was wearing was tatty, and the bits of skin you could see was extremely pale and appeared to have been scratched a lot.
It wasn't a mystery who this was, you knew full well that this was Shigaraki the leader of the 'League of Villains'. Glancing behind him there was the purple vortex man, dressed smartly that you knew to be Kurogiri. However, there were two others who stood there that you didn't recognise, who were talking to each other but you couldn't make out what they were saying.
The first was a lanky pale man, who appeared to have patches of extremely burnt skin over his body and what at first sight looked like lots of piercings but in fact, were staples. As he glanced at you he had a bored stare but the colour of turquoise that reminded you so much of your ex-boyfriend Enji Todoroki, but he was scrawny with messy black hair.
The second of the duo was an energetic looking school girl, with two messy buns in her blonde hair, with a fringe that framed her yellow crazy looking eyes. The way she looked at you sent pure shivers down your spine, out of anyone in the room she was the one you knew would hurt you the most and not for any reason in particular. It was clear that she would hurt you just because she thought it was fun or even to get rid of boredom.
Being a hero you tried to take in the surroundings but it was difficult with the headache you had from whatever the gas was that they'd used to capture you. "It's no use no one is coming. They don't know where you are...we made sure they couldn't track you as well." the leader scratched his neck walking like a sloth into the room, as your fierce (e/c) eyes burrowed holes into him.
"If you give us the information we want then this could all be over a lot sooner Camo." the vortex gate commented making you smirk, as there was no way on god's green earth that'd you give them any information. "I would also like to congratulate you on your marriage to Eraserhead." the man continued making her eyes turn to the smartly dressed man.
"I suppose thank you. I have a question though?" tipping your head to the side looking down at them all, know that your face was free from Grey's grip who's actually left the room altogether.
"And what would that be?" Shigaraki scratched his neck intrigued that even though chained and unable to use your quirk, you still had the balls to question them.
"Oh it's not to you, child...but the polite purple guy, Kurogiri right?... Anyways, my question is what's it like being a glorified taxi for your boss child?" a sick smirk crossed your face testing the allegiance to see if you could break. Unfortunately, the crazy blonde ran in, booting you in the stomach, making you cough vigorously as your body went limp in your shackles.
"That's not very nice Mrs Aizawa. Kurogiri is a respected member of the League and my most trusted ally. Now you've pissed me off though. Toga you can have a little fun but not too much...we need information soon, ten minutes should be enough." With that Shigaraki and the other two men left, leaving you just with the one person you didn't want to be left with.
As the man whose name you didn't know, went to leave, he looked as if he was going to say something, but changed his mind and continued slamming the creaky metal door behind him. "Soooo let's play a game. I'm going to cut you and the aim of the game is for you to scream for me!" it was a childish sadist smile that was plastered all over the young girls face as a serrated knife slashed across your stomach. It wasn't a deep cut but it was a sharp burst of pain, making bite your lip in defiance of what the twisted girl wanted.
"Awww you're no fun lets try again." as quick as a flash the blade swept across the top of your thigh, but yet again you hissed but you weren't giving her the satisfaction of a scream. "Awwww come on!" she was starting to get irritated at the fact that you wouldn't scream at her cuts as they kept coming, none of them deep enough to be fatal but they stung like a bitch.
"ARGHHH WHY WON'T YOU SCREAM!" she yelled out as your face lifted to look into her agitated yellow eyes. A confident smirk on your lips, even in the situation you were in you wouldn't give the villains the satisfaction of thinking they could break you. Instead, it earned you a punch to the face, and as you spat out the blood the creaky door reopened revealing the men that had stood, waiting to interrogate you more.
"Your fun's over now Toga, it's time for the Pro Hero Camo to give us the information that we need in order to find those pesky kids in class 1-A." you didn't like the tone in which he explained what they were wanting. The problem in them capturing you was two things:
Firstly, they could do whatever the hell they wanted to you but in no way would you give them the location, which led to the second problem if you did break you had no clue where they would be. It was top secret and there was only a handful of staff members at U.A itself that knew where the year one hero course, would be doing their summer training camp.
It was a difficult situation to be in, half-naked, chained and bloody with what they wanted but no way to escape to let the school know that their students were in grave danger of another attack from the League of Villains.
***Thank you for your reading***

Broken Heart! Shota Aizawa x Reader. (Completed)
Fanfiction"In the world eighty percent of the population has access to some form of supernatural ability, known as a Quirk. Having a powerful Quirk is a fast route to social power and fame. Some individuals, however, are born without a Quirk. They are called...