Quickly changing your top, getting fresh coffees, then heading back to the class. Slowly sliding into the room, before placing his coffee on the desk as Shota continued to speak to the kids about their upcoming exams. They would have a written test and a practical one as well, which is usually against robots but from what you had heard in the classroom they will be going against the teachers.
Your (e/c) eyes catch two sleepy ones looking in your direction, full of questions. Sitting at your mini desk, opening your work laptop deciding to continue with the work you were doing in the hotel, but the presence of people made you feel better.
Although you couldn't seem to focus on work, all you could think of was the amazing man who stood teaching the next generation.
From time to time, glancing up from your screen but when his eyes met yours, quickly darting back down with a grin on your face.
'Geez it's like I'm schoolgirl fantasising about her teacher. The way he teaches the kids I don't know I'd like him to teach me a few things.' You have to cross your legs to stop from you touching yourself in the middle of the class at the thought of it. Your cheeks tinted with a blush from the exciting ideas running through your head. That's when your phone went off, startled as you get out of your seat, tripping over the chair itself.
Resigning the fact you're about to hurt again, as you prepare for impact not being able to use your bad arm for support.
The hard floor never comes, you just feel yourself being lifted in the air with two warm, muscular arms under you, with your face against a solid chest.
"You were always a daydreamer... you need to be careful you idiot with your shoulder (f/n)," as you gaze up, seeing a smile on the man's face, you are trying so hard not to still love, as his black orbs staring into your dazed (e/c).
It's as if no one else was in the room for a moment.
"Well, I only use to be so clumsy so you would catch me Sho Sho." teasing back with a flirtatious in your tone.
"AHEM! I don't think this appropriate of teachers to act this way in class!" Iida one of the boy's who had helped save you the other day, shouts out.
"Shut it, Iida! It was just getting good!" Mina, the pink girl screeches out, whilst some of the other students nod their heads.
"Didn't you see he was saving Camo from hurting herself again, it's manly if you ask me." this is from the red-haired boy with sharp teeth, Kirishima.
"Don't know about the rest of you guys, I have a great view!" you hear a dazed voice from the blond-haired boy, Kaminari
"Tch!" you look at the angry blonde Bakugou, currently with bright pink ears. Midoryia behind him, tries to look anywhere but up your skirt. Even your ex's son has a slight blush on his face.
"Sho, down, please. I think the class have seen way too much of my body today. Through the wet shirt and now up my skirt." giggling softly, making him stutter and blush before putting you down.
"That memory is forever engraved in my mind." you hear a drooling grape headed boy state. Your about to say something when your phone rings again, it's Seb this time video calling probably worried you're doing hero stuff again.
Quickly answering, as you're wandering out the room.
"Seb, I'm fine look!" move the phone down your body, "Practically Perfect in every way just the way you like it hahahah!" Laughing as walk out of the room. Not realising to the class and Aizawa that you had not mentioned Seb was your sidekick.
The man who missed the warmth of your body in his arms looks at his hands before running them through his hair. His jealousy eating him up but not letting it reach his face.
"How's my little baby? That's right show mummy you miss her I will be home soon. Ekkk you've grown so much. Seb what the hell are you feeding the little man?" can be heard from outside the room, putting a dagger in the man trying to teach his classes heart. He knew you hadn't been in touch but he didn't know you had a baby with this man, little did he know it was just your cat.
What hurts the man, even more, is when he hears the man on the phone reply "Well if his mummy would just come home and work from here, I and the little man can spend more time with you!" the man on the other end of the phone voice transpires as husky and manly.
'I knew she had someone I could tell! I knew she needed to go home and leave me I can't be selfish! I want her so bad though!' he is snapped out of his jealously when you come back in the class and flick his head.
"Bang you're dead!" winking at Aizawa."I taught you how to be on guard." The class on the other hand is completely silent reading the tension.
"I guess I'm just shocked to hear you are a mum. Also,you have a guy back in the states waiting for you?" Shota's voice cracks but you pull a confused glance at him.
"You're weird Sho. I've got to work. Your class is staring at you like your weird as well. Plus, does this body look like it's had a baby recently? Seb is my sidekick looking after my poor kitten. Tch! I guess you always did think the worst in me. I'll be in the staff room with Tos....All Might, discussing how weird you still are!" Gathering your things quickly, you start to leave the room.
"You need to stop accusing and pushing me away. That's why I went with Enji remember, your fault not mine. At least he wanted what I had to offer."As you're laughing on the outside, inside your hurting bad.
Just when you thought he was warming to you again.
Aizawa POV
'Damn I've pushed her again what is wrong with me! Why the hell can't I tell her?' Mentally cursing himself for being an idiot he is brought back by one of the students.
"Sir I don't know if you know the signs of a girl but she is totes into you!" a giggly voice from the pink alien looking girl.
"That's enough Mina! Shouldn't you be revising so that you can go to summer camp?" Shota states back in his usual bored tone. The girl looks stunned at his comment but makes him wonder do you like him he just needs to ask.
Normal POV
After that day, decide the next few days that you will go into the school as well but just keeping to yourself. Getting on with your paperwork, however, you do thank the three boys that saved you on numerous occasions offering them all apprenticeships depending if they pass the hero course.
You're missing the States a lot, your friends there as well as your cat. Not to mention your house also you've not been able to let your hair down since being here. Though, you had a night out planned and were going to take full advantage since your arm was healing nicely.
***Thank you for reading***
***I don't own bnha or Pictures***

Broken Heart! Shota Aizawa x Reader. (Completed)
Fanfiction"In the world eighty percent of the population has access to some form of supernatural ability, known as a Quirk. Having a powerful Quirk is a fast route to social power and fame. Some individuals, however, are born without a Quirk. They are called...