He's Someone Familiar

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Another painfully intense day in your Statistics 250 class it seems. Thank God this semester was practically over. You were just waiting to take your finals and sleep for forever.

A heavy sigh heaved it's way past your lips as you thought on your previous classes. You know for sure you've passed the other classes, but this class was just so dense. There was so much stuff to learn, so much to get right, such easy ways for you to fail. Lucky you never missed a day and never failed a quiz or a test, 80s and above. A fair A in this torturous class.

You groaned quietly as the professor dismissed class and wished you all the best this year. You were happy to have finished the class but a little sad to see it end. At least you still got to keep in touch with your professor's and the small group of friends you made in each class.

As you walked out of the classroom, your head full of thoughts and desires, you walked right into a chest. The impact knocked you on your ass.

"Oof! Ugh, the eff? What did I--" as you look up you see someone that looked really familiar.

The first thing you noticed: dirty blond locks close to being golden. Then the height: they're taller than averagen. Broad shoulders and... It's most likely a guy.

As you started or stand up an apologize for not watching where you were going you noticed his smile.

It was... One that made you feel uneasy. You felt a little terrified, yet, it all felt so familiar. Especially that smile.

"Well, how've you been? It's been months and I haven't seen seen you in a while," the guy said.

"Oh, uh, I-I'm sorry. I don't remember you. See there was this thing that happened and I don't really know anything that happened in the time that the event took place, I mean I remember some things, just not names or exact facts," you stuttered out, completely caught off guard by the sudden question. He must've been someone you met between the days of that stupid incident. "I definitely remember your face, hair and smile, so... I've been... Good?"

He chuckled and rested his arm on your head, "Yeah, I figured as much, short stack." You growled at such a stupid nickname, mocking your height, "Tch, baka. Watashi wa anata wo koroshimasu, okashina hito.* Don't insult me, weirdo."

Looking down at you he sighed, "So, it didn't get rid of that annoying little habit of yours huh? It should have; I can never understand a word your saying." He huffed in annoyance.

What? How dare he say that about you. You should punch him in the stomach for such rude behavior! Annoying. You're not annoying. The only people who get to call you are people you've known well and knew you just as well! Damn, he's rude as hell.


Why did this feel so familiar? You're heart started palpitating as you thought of a way to get more answers about what happened to you. It's almost like everyone around swore a vow to keep you in the dark about what happened to you.

But him. He's definitely not like everyone else. He didn't feel like he would hold back either. Maybe, little by slowly. It didn't matter if you wanted  them now or later, at this point it's now or never. Youll get answers out of him. Just ask little questions.

"How'd we meet?"

"What," you caught the dirty blond off guard. Felt kind of nice. "Huh?"

"How did we meet? Was it while I was studying in the library? Or was it when I was getting food at the food court? When and how did we meet. It's a simple question, dude," you said with slight impatience. He hummed in thought, makes since that he'd have to think about it. It's been months since then, you would figure. Maybe he didn't remember.

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