One Day in Unknown Terror

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The sun was shining and the blanket you had wrapped yourself in was warm and snuggly. You didn't have to go to talk therapy today, you had no classes either and it was Angela's turn to make breakfast. A small content sigh escaped your lips as you huddled closer to yourself in your burrito blanket.

A good twenty minutes passed by. And your stomach growled viciously as you waited for your well deserved breakfast. Sitting up and looking around you couldn't find Angela in the room. You screamed into the blanket and mentally had to apologize to it. The blanket did nothing wrong, it was Angela who was the target of your frustration.

You hobbled out of your bed and left your blanket hardly discarded. "Angela... Angela! ANGELA!!!" You searched the small apartment like complex to find no one home. You were really pissed now.

"The fuck?! Did she just leave without telling me?!" You threw on some pants and a shirt over your nighties, grabbed your coat and snow boots, then your mittens, scarf and hat. How dare she leave you without a word.

As you headed for the door in a fit of rage, you realized that there was a note on the door.  "Oh, this better be good," you grumbled to yourself as yanked it from the door. The note read:

Good morning, (Y/N)!
I went out to go get some groceries. Turns out while you were sleeping I ate whatever was left in the fridge, which wasn't much to begin with anyway. I got the help of Vincent so don't worry, it should go by faster.
Love, your angel of a roommate,

You glared at the piece of paper in your hand. How could she just up and go out with some stranger. You rolled your eyes and shuffled your way through the apartment. Then, your mind went blank. She's alone with him? He was a stranger to you yet he seemed to know enough about you, at least a lot more than he let on. That was the unsettling thing.

Vincent being alone with your best friends wasn't sitting well with you, regardless if you knew him before the accident. A stranger -charismatic or not- was not to be trusted. Getting dressed quickly, you burst out the door, locked it and ran in the direction of the local grocery store near campus. You were far too uncomfortable with the possibilities of anything seriously devastating happening.

As the grocery store came into view, your heart began to pound faster than it already was from the running. You were starting to catch a headache. However you didn't have time to be in pain, you needed to be with Angela. You needed to protect her from... something... someone. Rushing into the store, you began your search for the reddish blonde and the dirty golden blond. Mainly keeping your eyes open for the tall girl with long strings of reddish golden locks.

Passing by frantically, strangers stared and wondered if you were okay. They knew about your lack of memory and they understood that you nearly died by a collapse but the way you were acting wasn't registering with the way you have been recovering. They were worried. No. They were scared. You could be a serious threat to them... So they thought. If only they knew what was going on in your head.

You looked up and down the isles, peaked behind any and evey wall. You needed to find Angela; your unknown induced panic had you working on over drive and you desperately just wanted to see your best friend. As you staggered through the store with fear building up inside, you finally found that tall head of reddish golden hair. You rushed over immediately to her and engulfed her in a damn near sofficating hug from behind.

"Ah! W-what the hell?! (Y/N), get off of me! You're gonna make me drop the eggs!" She squirmed in your intense grip. You held her a little longer as your breath started to ebb and even out. After what felt like hours, but was just a few minutes, you realsed her and let her finish grocery shopping in casual and slight awkward silence. After a few minutes, Vincent came into your view and you instinctively put yourself between the two of them. Vincent sweetly smiled at you, sickeningly sweet, "How are you, (Y/N)? Got here alright, sweetheart?"

You growled and got ready to throw a punch but ended up staggering and fell into Vincent's chest. "Couldn't resist me, huh? Missed you too," he snarkily remarked, snickering as he did so. You groaned and aggressively pushed back from him and making you way back beside Angela, as she stifled a laugh from your little slip up. "Don't make fun of her, she's always been a bit clumsy." Angie said as she patted your back.

The three of you eventually finished up the grocery shopping with banter, aggression, snide comments, cheeky remarks and silly jokes between all. You grumbled and murmured as you all got into Vincent's car and drove back to the room that you shared with your best friend. You were uncomfortable and so freaked out by the fear you were feeling. Why? What did he do to you that makes you feel this way? Why are you so afraid?

These questions, and more like them, whirled around in your head as you got out the car, as you unloaded the car, as you put the groceries away, as Angela bantered with Vincent, as the day came to an end. You absent mindedly made your way to your room and fell asleep. The questions still invading and taking up most of your sleep.

Word count: 959
Original date posted: April 16, 2021

Author's note: Quickly, just wanted to apologize for being gone for so long. I see that may people are still reading my previous story which is really nice. So thank you for that.
Now I don't know if I'll continue this book or not? But hey, you never know.

Anyway, enjoy the rest of your guys' day, I appreciate all your support!

The Beginning Of the End (Human!SpringTrap x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora