Take A Moment for Confusion

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As you glared into the blank space that was once Avery, your body shook slightly. You couldn't seem to contain the jealous rage you were feeling.

Vincent noticed your sudden silence as your nails carved a their way into your palms. He drew his attention to your face, "Hey... Is someone getting upset?" A knowing smirk played on his lips as he asked the question. You growled in irritation.

"Tch, really... Binsento wa dameda! Binsento wa sono yōna hentai-shadesu.* Tsk, tsk," you said keeping your gaze anywhere but on Vincent. Why did this feel so damn familiar? It was almost terrifyingly familiar.

Terrifying because you had no idea why.

"I'm pretty sure you said my name in Japanese," he whispered into your ear. Jumping out of your seat and landing, lower back first, on the floor. "Gah, sheet! Ouch, damn it!" Your back arched from the pain as you winced while you rubbed your now, most likely to be bruised, afflicted area. "And why the Hell did you get so close to me?!" What a weird guy.

He smirked. You were getting sick of that stupid smirk of his.

"Anyway, what did you for the new year?" He asked either not caring that you landed on your tail bone or enjoying in the pain that you were currently in, as he leaned on the back of a chair, not even offering to help you up.

Rolling your eyes, you stood, still rubbing your lower back. "I haven't really gotten to celebrate it. In and out of the hospital. Backed up with school work. Shit gets crazy."

He walked behind you and pulled you into a back hug. "Vince?" Your heart started thrumming against against your chest; the sound of it's beating resounded in your ears, drowning out anything he might have said in this very moment. Thankfully, Vincent hadn't said anything yet.

He knew how fast your heart was pumping. It made him more excited to know how much he was affecting you. Even if your mind couldn't really remember him at the moment, your body definitely did. His voice hazed softly against your ear, "You fell pretty hard, huh? Want me to make you feel better?"

It sent a shiver down your spine and your face flushed redder than a rose. You spun around in his arms and violently punched him in the stomach. Your heart might've burst out of your chest if he continued, especially while you guys were still in the damn food court. You didn't have a problem with PDA or little stupid couple things like whispering, but such an explicit way of showing it -especially since you two were NOT in a relationship- was completely off of the god damn table.

Vincent took a few steps back out of shock, but regained his composure soon after. "You're still as spontaneous as ever," the statement made you tilt your head to the side out of confusion. "Jeez, calm down will ya', it's not like I was going to do anything to you," he paused for moment. "Unless you want me to."

You were irritated. Did he really just say that. He's such a handful and... really annoying! He was really pushing your buttons. This. Mother. Fucker. You grumbled to yourself and told him to kindly fuck off and leave you be.

He simply laughed at the remark as he walked you out of the food court and into the main square of the campus. You growled deeply, "Look, I'm gonna forget the stupid shit you just pulled and am going to continue from the more mundane part of our convo: Why do you care about what I did for the New Year? I don't even know you." You scrutinized him from your spot by the unlit street light of the main square. He sighed, "Well, not right now. But..." he took a deep breath, "You will remember me sooner or later~"

You were still confused and still wanted to know why he wanted to know about you and what you've been up to lately.

"...Well... how was your New Year? Since you asked me already and I answered, honestly might I add. I want some kind of answer." You weren't going to let it go if you got no answers from this dirty blond prick. He stayed silent for a little while. As time passed you became angrier with him. Well, not with him specifically, really with the fact that he clearly knows something about you that you yourself didn't know about you.

"I went to a little New Year party with Avery. Wasn't nearly as fun as I thought it'd be. I wish you were there. Then there would have been a reason to leave without getting hounded by everyone there," he said in irritation at the remeberance of said party. You held back a little chuckle. Soon after you sighed in exasperation.

You were becoming more and more irritable as you painfully walked the main square. You needed a break. A nap. A sweet Angela to talk to. Really, you just needed a place to hide. Hide from what? The pain in your lower back? The fear of Vincent knowing more about you than you do? The truth of what happened to you three months ago?

At the thought of the past that you had accidentally forgotten you rubbed your hand into the middle of your chest. Feeling a weight there as you remembered heat, bright light, orange and the darkness that always comes after it all. Vincent noticed the small self cautious gesture and took a mental note of it. He'd bring it up another time. Vince took you back into the food court for some ice cream and a talk that had you in fits of laughter from stupid jokes and pain from your, now confirmed, bruised back side.

Some time later, he walked you back to your dorm room where Angela was waiting for you. "Holy shit! Where have you been? You missed your last class! And they called me to see if you were alright and I couldn't even answer them!" She hugged you tightly and was almost in tears. "What if something happened to you? What if--" you stopped her before she could finish her downward spiral.

"Daijoubu, daijoubu desu. Boku wa daijoubu desu yo. Kokyuu suru.**" You said gently as you gave her a loving head pat and a reassuring hug that was just as kind but nearly as bone crushing. You were the one doing the comforting even though it's you that needs the comforting. You sighed as she let go of you and headed inside, clearly embarrassed about the way she had been freaking out while you were out.

Turning to Vincent, you said, "Kore made no subete ni kansha shimasu.***" He stared back at you in absolute disbelief. "Seriously, what the hell are you saying?" You chuckled and simply said, "Basically, thank you." Then you paused as an angry look swept pass your face, "Also, you better come back here tomorrow and bring me an icebag for this pain you caused me, you heathen!"

As he walked away from your dorm room door, acknowledging your statement with a lazy wave of his hand, he smiled slyly to himself. You had implied that you wanted to see him again and you didn't even realize what you said.

Word count: 1,231

Originally Posted: August 6, 2019 on Tuesday

Well that was long over due and I apologize greatly for that! It just didn't seem like anyone wanted to read it. I did make this book specifically for the audience. However, mama is back with some ideas, baby! I hope I don't disappoint you guys with anything. And if I do, oh well! Hahaha!


*Vincent's no good! Vincent's such a pervert.
**It's alright, it's alright. I'm okay. Breathe.
***Thank you for everything this far.

Well that's all folks! Jya mata, mina-san! Boku wa mina daisuki desu nee! See you in the next one!

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