Chapter 7

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I watched as Mr. Parker sat on the piano bench, and puts his hands on the piano keys. I could not believe that this is actually happening. I stood there beside him as he started playing the piano. When the first few notes were being played, I decided to sit down on a nearby tree that was close to the piano. A few keys later, Mr. Parker began to sing. His voice made me forget about the past life that I had, and made me focus on the present. I guess I can consider this one of the best moments of my life.

The song had finally ended, and I found myself crying with tears of joy. I stood up and clapped my heart out. Mr. Parker begins to chuckle.

"Do you like it, Reuven?"

"Like it? I loved it!" I replied as I gave him a hug.

What am I doing?

"Oh! Umm... I'm really sorry. I didn't really mean to do that." I said as I slowly backed away from him.

" It's alright, Reuven. I know how you couldn't contain your happiness in anymore. You needed some way to express it. You had no choice but to hug me. I never have received a hug from someone in a long time."

"Oh...that's terrible." I replied.

"It sure is."

"Do you miss your parents, Mr. Parker?"

"I do. I really do..."

"Really? Despite what your dad did to your mom?"

Mr. Parker nodded with a melancholic look.

"So, just out of curiosity, what happened to your dad after he left you guys?"

"...Would you like to hear what had happened?"

I nodded.

Mr. Parker then gets off the piano bench and sat beside me.

September 23, 1983:

The phone rings from the living room.

"I'll get it, dear!" my mother called out as she dashed towards the living room where the phone sat.

"Hello?" my mother asked as she picked up the phone.

"Hello, dear! It's your mother!"


"Yes, it's me! I want you to turn on your television right now!"

"But why--"

"No time to explain! Turn it on! Quick!"


My mother rushes towards the television, and turns it on as I play with my toys.

The television shows a picture of a familiar looking man with a motorcycle with broken wheels that was found at the bottom of a deep pit.

My mom began to have looks of horrification.

"Mom... is that who I think that is...?" my mother asked as she put the phone back on her ear.

"I'm afraid so..."

My mother hangs up the telephone very slowly.

I looked out from my bedroom door to see my mother with tears escaping from her eyes.

"What's wrong, mom?" I asked, sitting next to my mother with my car and truck toys.

"He's... dead." my mother responded.

"Who's dead?" I asked confused.

"Your... father."

The flashback ends.

"Oh... I see. I don't get how your mom still cares about your dad after he did all that? I mean, he left you and your mom!" I exclaimed.

"My mom wasn't like other people. She was kind, forgiving, and more! She was the nicest person that I have ever met in my whole life. Not a lot of people are like that in today's world..." Mr. Parker replied.

"I see." I said with a tone of voice of understanding.

We both sat in silence, except for the howling of the wind in the cold night.

"So, I think that we should better get going--"

"Reuven Rothstein!" a familiar voice called out.

"Uh oh..." I said to myself.

She looked towards my direction.

"Reuven! Where were you this all time? I was looking for you from left to right, and I was so worried about you! I thought you were gonna freeze to death in this cold--"

My mother stopped as she glanced at Mr. Parker, sitting beside me.

"... Reuven, why are you with a guy that's older than you? Is he a child predator?"

My mother gasps."Maybe he is a child predator! Give Reuven to me right now, or I'm gonna call the cops!"

"Mom, calm down, it's okay. He is not a child predator. He is my Social Studies teacher, Mr. Parker."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." Mr. Parker replied as he stood up from the grass, then brushing off the remaining grass from his pants.

Mr. Parker then walks up to my mom as he held up his hand for a handshake.

"What? You're gonna kidnap me next?"

"Mom! I told you! He isn't a kidnaper, nor a child predator!" I exclaimed as I got up and brushed the remaining pieces of grass off my jeans.

Mr. Parker began to chuckle.

"What? You calling me dumb now?" my mother questioned as she raised an eyebrow.

"Now, if you excuse me, I better get going as my wonderful mother just said! So... I'll see you tomorrow at school! Uh... bye!" I exclaimed as I grabbed my mother's arm and ran away from Mr. Parker, leaving him behind.

"Is that really your teacher?" my mother asked wide-eyed.

"Yes...? Why do you ask?" I replied with a raise of my eyebrow.

"He looks so... handsome." my mother replied with a sigh.

Uh oh... here we go.

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