Chapter 13

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Ahhh, that wonderful atmosphere of love. A starry night, my mother and Mr. Parker gazing into each other's eyes, violin music playing in the background...

What could get any better than this?!

Monday returns and it was time that I get ready for school. I ran down the stairs, with each echoing step, surrounding the atmosphere of my house. I walked towards the high cupboards, and with a tip of my toes, I grabbed a box of cereal. Then, I went to the fridge and got the jug of milk. I took a look at the expiration date just to make sure that the milk was not expired yet...

Best by: September 18, 2018.

"Well, that's great news." I said, pouring the silky, white milk into the cereal bowl.

"Well, you are up so early," my mother called out as she walked down the stairs. "What's with the joyful attitude you got there?"

I looked at her with a smirk.

"Uhh... why are you looking at me like that?"

I smirked even more.

"You're not thinking about last night... are you?!"


My mother begins to blush, then smile.

"What were you doing when I told you to go back to your room to draw?"



I looked down on my phone to see what time it was...

It was 7:50 AM.

"Well, would you look at the time! I must leave now. I've got ten minutes left before school starts! Gotta get there in time! Don't wanna be late for school--"

"Now hold on there, young lady."

I gulped.

"We'll discuss more of this when you get home from school, okay?"

"Yes, mom."

I opened the door and looked back at my mom with a smile.

"Oh, and Reuven?"

"Yes... mom?"

"Would you do me a favor and say hello to Mr. Parker for me?"

"Yes mom." I replied with a wink and went out for the door.

And before my mom could say a word, I ran towards the door and dashed towards school.

I finally arrived at school and ran towards my locker to unpack my stuff, when suddenly, I noticed a familiar figure standing from the corner of my eye.

It was Mr. Parker.

I let out a small smile as I put the last thing in my locker. I picked up my items for first period and walked towards Mr. Parker.

"Hello, Reuven! How are you doing today?"

"Oh, I'm doing fine. How about you?"

"I could say the same!"

"So... umm... my mom wants me to say hello to you for her."

"Oh, your mother?"

"Yes, my mother."

"Oh... your mother... the one with the wonderful hazel eyes and the wonderful blonde and brown hair..."

I tried to contain myself from laughing. It was really young love.

"You know what, Reuven? I hope that your mother does not mind about what I'm about to ask you right now."

"Well, spill the beans!"

Mr. Parker chuckled. "Alright, so, I'm planning to take your mother out tonight, and I was wondering if you can--"

"You... are... planning... to... take... my... mother... out?! Oh my goodness! This is so amazing! Am I dreaming right now? Am I?!"

"No, Reuven. You are not dreaming. I want to get to know your mother a little more. She's a great woman. She must be proud having a daughter like you to help her from her horrible past..."

"I try my best, Mr. Parker. Coming out from a horrible past is not easy."

"I can agree on that, Reuven."

I looked towards the clock, showing five minutes left before the bell rings for first period.

"Well, I have to go, Mr. Parker. I don't want to be late for first period."

"Alright, I'll see you next period, Reuven."

And with that, I speed walked towards my first period class.

Time has passed, and first period has ended. Our assignment today was to draw our best friend, and to explain why have we chose that best friend. I am planning to draw Mr. Parker as my best friend, because he talks to me when nobody does. He also stood up for me when Gabriella was bullying me.

I could go on and on about what he has done for me and for my mom. As you have probably known, Mr. Parker has been a huge impact in my life. He has made my mother smile again. She has never smiled that much ever since my dad had left.

Anyways, speaking of which, second period arrives and I rush towards my seat. I could see Gabriella and Hazel, entering the classroom with their silver, sparkling bags and expensive clothing. All my classmates stared at them as they walk towards their seats in a fashionable manner.

"Look who we have here..." Gabriella smirked.

I sighed. "What do you want now, Gabriella?"

"I just wanted to stop by and say how ugly you look today!" Gabriella chuckled.

"Oh, very! You should totally change your outfit. It's so last year." Hazel chimed in.

"Well, would you both like to know something?" I asked calmly.

"What? That you finally realize the fact that you are so ugly?" Gabriella and Hazel asked in unison.

The class laughed.

"No, but that I'm fine just the way I am. I like my clothes, I like my hair, I like my everything! I like me! I don't have to be fashionable to be loved by people, because I've already got people who love me for who I am! And that's what truly matters." I replied smiling.

"I truly agree with you, Reuven."

The whole class turned around, seeing Mr. Parker standing in the doorway with a smile on his face.

"Gabriella, Hazel, would you like to have detention again?" Mr. Parker asked, raising an eyebrow.

Both girls shook their heads.

"Good answer. Now, return to your seats so that I can get class started."

The girls immediately went back to their seats and class went on from there.

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