Chapter 14

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The bell rings, ending second period. Everyone quickly grabbed their things and rushed towards the doorway. I, too, was about to get up from my seat, until Mr. Parker ceased me.

"Reuven, do you mind staying in for a moment?"

"Sure, Mr. Parker. What's up?"

"I just wanted to say how proud I am about what you did today. You handled the situation with Gabriella and Hazel with no violence at all. Most of the kids today would wanna punch their bullies, but you, I was surprised."

I smiled. "I think that most of us handle a situation like this with violence. I decided to change that a little bit, and respond to hurtful words with kindness. It's what the world needs nowadays, and it's the least I could do to start that chain reaction of kindness."

"You have a great mind, Reuven." Mr. Parker mentioned.

"Thank you, Mr. Parker Brownley," I replied.

"Anyways, there's one more thing I would like to mention,"

"And that is?"

"If you don't mind remembering to ask your mother if she would like to have dinner with me tonight."

"Got ya. I'll keep that information in my noggin as best as I can."

"Great. Don't let me down, young grasshopper."

"I won't... or will I?"

Mr. Parker raised an eyebrow.

"Ha! I'm just kidding. I won't let you down."

"Good. Now go, before something terrible is gonna happen to you..."

"Oh yeah? Like that's ever gonna happen..."

"Oh, but you never know..."

We both giggled, and off I went to my third period class.

A few hours have passed, and school was finally over. Neither Gabriella or Hazel did not bother me after what had happened, which is such great news. I walked home with a happy face, which is something that does not happen to me that often, ever since school had started.

"Mom! I'm home!" I shouted, entering the doorway of my house.

I could hear the rushing footsteps, hurrying downstairs.

"Reuven! Welcome back! I was just cleaning the bathroom. Anyways, how was school?" my mother asked, taking her cleaning gloves off.

"It was great! And I have some news for you..."

"Please tell me that this is good news..."

"Oh, you bet it is!"

"Great! So, spill!"

I smiled. "Mr. Parker wanted to ask you if you would like to go out to dinner tonight with him?"

"Mr. Parker...? Dinner? This is a joke, right?"


My mother thought for a moment.

"Well, if this is really no joke, then... sure! I'd love to!"

"Yes!! Yay!! You're going on a date with Mr. Parker!! Yay!!"

I was filled with such happiness that I started to jump around the house like crazy!

"Calm down, Reuven. It's just a date."

"Just a date? Just a..."

I took a deep breath.

"Mom, this is a new beginning for you! A new start! A fresh one! Mr. Parker is a great guy, and I can assure you that he's asking you out because he's falling head over heels for you!"

"Him? Fall in love with me? Ha! How can someone like him fall in love with someone like me?"

"Well, you've got great hair--"

"I'm not gonna fall in love with a guy who only likes me, just because of my hair."

"I mean... well... let me rephrase that..."

I cleared my throat.

"Mr. Parker is asking you out on this date, because he sees something great in you. You're beautiful both inside and out! He's asking you out on this date because you are different, different from the hundreds of girls that he has seen in his lifetime. You're a flower that stands out from the different flowers that grow under the morning sun. You're great. You're just great."

My mother smiled. "Do you think that's what he thinks about me?"

"What else?"

My mother pulled me in for a hug.

"Thank you, Reuven. For that."

"Anything for my good ol' mom."

"So, what are we waiting for? Let's get ready for this date!" my mother squealed, running upstairs.

"Now that's my girl." I whispered to myself, catching up with her from behind.

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