A Silent Love

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Soulmate AU: The first words your soulmate says to you are inscribed on your wrist.

You gazed dolefully out the tinted window of the vehicle transporting you. You had a small shoulder bag with you, but that was all, the only things it contained being your wallet, a change of clothes, and your phone charger. Your phone was tucked safely away in the pocket of your grey hoodie, the hood pulled up making the wisps of hair framing your head stick out oddly due to your lack of concern for your appearance.

Saddened eyes watched rows of trees, lines of fence, fields, houses, cities. They watched without a flicker of any other emotion, they watched with quiet resignation as the minutes sitting on the plush seat swiftly turned to hours. Your forehead rested against the cool glass, sliding slightly as the car slid to a halt. You pulled back, not even glancing at the smudge left on the once clean glass, and shifted to unbuckle.

Your legs were numb from falling asleep after being in one position for so long, soon would come the dreadful feeling of pins and needles dancing in your muscles, not to mention the fact that walking would be considerably more difficult. Placing the strap of your bag smoothly onto your shoulder you exited the vehicle.

Taking unsteady steps towards the ornate metal gates you winced as the feeling returned to your legs. Yep. Just as terrible as remembered. You sighed again when you looked up at the imposing mansion in front of you, this was sure to be a great vacation. Did this even count as a vacation?

Your parents worked with some politician and were heading on the group for a tour or something for publicity. You didn't care at the time you were being told about it. So what? Your parents moved around pretty much constantly, you'd just stay home like always.


You squeezed your eyes shut before walking forward to knock on the door. It swung open, you locked gazes with a pair of sherbet pink, that widened at the sight of you.

"Komori Yui!" The girl suddenly bowed. "Eh, my name! I-It's a pleasure to meet you!"

You bowed in return and smiled, telling her your name in your way of talking. To your surprise she understand, and responded.

I hope we will get along.

You smiled, quickly signing back.

I'm sure we will.

"Oi! Chichinashi!" A redhead came up and slung his arm around Yui, who immediately blushed. "This the new bride?"

You looked down as a small smile played on your lips at Yui's embarrassment. Then you caught sight of the black ink on her calf, a writing so very familiar.

Tch. You're too noisy.

Well, it wasn't as bad as yours at least. You looked back up to see spots of black showing from around the ribbon tied on the male's neck.

Finally Yui managed to form a coherent sentence. "Yes! S-she is Ayato-kun!"

"My, my, my. Who's this?" You looked up to see another redhead on the stairs, in a blink he was in front of you, tilting your face towards his and winking. "Aren't you a cute little bitch?"

Your eyes widened.

Oh. No. No way.

He did not just say that.

Pink flooded your cheeks as he leaned closer to you. No. No No No No No! You took a step back and coughed. Yui smiled and took your hand. "Come on (Y/N), I'll show you too your room."

You tugged own her hand and shook your head.

No. Him.

She blinked in surprise.

What? Laito-san?

You nodded.

"Chichinashi you're not conspiring." Ayato leaned down to whisper softly to her. "Are you?"

"N-no Ayato-kun! (Y/N)! Umm, Laito-sama!"

"Yes Bitch-chan? Are you bored of your so-called 'soulmate'?" Laito smirked as Ayato growled and pulled Yui against his chest.

"No! Er, could you take (Y/N) to her room?"

Laito turned and smirked at you, your gaze considering him skeptically. "Come on then Cutie-bitch~"

He grabbed your hand and started up the stairs, leading you too an overtly pink room. "Here you are Cutie-bitch~ Bitch-chan's old room." Before she moved into Ayato's room you assumed. It seemed like Laito was unimpressed by soulmates, but given the circumstances that seemed pretty reasonable. After all, you would bet that his body was free of markings, but now came the difficult part.

How to show him.

Your weren't going to just take your pants off, and rolling th-

You shuddered when a warm, wet, tongue trailed your cheek. "Mmmm." The deep him of pleasure hit your ear. "You taste so good Cutie-bitch~"

You blushed again, of course, and tried to push him away, ignoring the tingles his touch sent down your spine.

With one hand holding your wrist and the other you hip Laito held you firmly in place. In the struggle you backed up, falling onto the bed.

You struggled in vain before finally going limp when you jeans were unbuttoned, with one hand reaching to press against your collarbone his green eyes flashed dangerously as he lowered his head to your thigh. Then froze.

You knew exactly what he saw.

Aren't you a cute little bitch?

The same thing your parents saw appear on your leg when you were two. They weren't worried all all! (Sarcasm) about the potentially abusive soulmate in your future.


You glared silently at him.


You crossed your arms.


Internally you groaned, sitting up and reaching forward to grab his shirt, pulling him to press his lips against yours.

In case you didn't get it, reader is mute.

Therefore Laito never had any words, leading to his complete lack of faith in 'love', something that was reinforced by his mother who made him believe she was his soul mate, since they were connected before speech. This was a lie obviously because Cordelia is a terrible person.

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