Diabolik Lovers Part 2

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By all hell broke loose I meant that the brothers started yelling, laughing, and/or scolding. Except for Shu who muttered 'too noisy' and left. (Y/n) remained standing with perfect posture, somehow unfazed by the noise erupting around her and the vice like grips upon her wrists tugging her in either direction. And Yui who was in the corner crying, for god knows what reason. (Y/n) sighed and walked over to the sobbing girl, her sudden movement somehow startled the vampires pulling on her, letting her go.

"Um. There, there?" (Y/n) crouched beside the blonde, patting her back awkwardly. "Here, it's okay." 'Why am I comforting her?' "I didn't catch your name." (Y/n) happily tuned out the monsters behind her that were now all outraged, well, mostly just the triplets, that one of their sacrifices was ignoring them.

"M-my name is Yui Komori."

"My name is (Y/n) (L/n), but you can call me (Y/n) if you'd like."

"I-" Yui was interrupted as both girls were harshly jerked off the floor.

"Oi! Chichinashi! What do you think you're doing? And you!" (Y/n) looked at the angry Ayato holding on to Yui in front of her. "Pay attention to ore-sama!"

He had let go of Yui and grabbed (Y/n)'s arm as Laito snaked an arm around the no longer weeping blonde. "Fufu~ How naughty of you Bitch-chan! Taking all of Omocha-chan's attention for yourself!" He smirked at the girl's fearful stuttering.

(Y/n) mentally facepalmed at the ridiculous, and deadly, situation she was now involved in, remaining perfectly clear of expression she grabbed Yui's hand, "If you don't mind Sakamaki-san," She turned to Reiji. "It was a long car ride, and a long wait for you to arrive. So if there is nothing further I'd like for Miss Komori to show me where I could retire."

(Y/n) successfully pulled both Yui and herself out of restricting arms while maintaining respectful eye contact with Reiji.

Laito started to wrap his arm around (Y/n)'s waist, opening his mouth to most likely suggest something dirty, when she side stepped.


Laito pouted playfully and backed up, before returning to grinning at the human girls.

"Miss Komori," Yui let out a sharp breath beside (Y/n). "Escort Miss (L/n) to the bedchamber beside yours, and explain the rules to her." Yui grabbed (Y/n)'s hand tighter and almost ran out of the room, (Y/n) dragged behind her somehow still dignified looking. Reiji glared at the doorway for a second, before disappearing to do. . . things.

"Tch." Subaru stormed out of the room.

"Hmm. (Y/n) is very pretty, don't you think Teddy?" Kanato paused for a minute, head tilted towards the stuffed 'Teddy'. "Yes I agree. She would look much prettier with such a look of terror upon her face." The lavender haired teen was disappointed that (Y/n) had taken them being vampires so calmly, Ayato glanced at his brother before leaving, muttering to himself as Laito also left the room. Going to peak on the girls maybe. "Just imagine, she'll make such a lovely doll."

(Y/n) looked around the room, her nervousness being brutally kept at bay. These were predators she was living with. She couldn't let them see they got to her. Yui had been sweet, if a trifle annoying at the same time, stuttering out something about night school and cranberry juice and getting bitten as she showed (Y/n) to her room and then her own room.

Which was. . . pink. She had nothing against pink, and could even like it sometimes, but that room. . . it was oppressingly pink. (Y/n)'s was nicer in her opinion, decorated in beiges, browns, cream, and gold. Intricate vine carvings on the moldings. After Yui had brought her back to her room she found that her bag was sitting on her bed and so was something else.

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