Just a Friend

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Have they ever felt the world slow down? Stutter to a halt as realization hits them like a brick?

They probably have, or at least seen someone who has.

Love is a cruel beast, unforgiving and cold. 'Soulmate' is a term that everyone wants to have a happy ever after attached to, too bad it never works that way. You remember the first time you saw a soulmate mark appear. It was one morning as your dad left for work, mom kissed him on the cheek and grinned, saying a chirpy goodbye. He got through the word 'love' and fell to the ground. Cardiac arrest. Your mom and you watched in horror as on his collarbone the words 'Goodbye Darling' appeared in bright red color.

Soon after mom got her solitary word love, right smack dab on her cheek. You called 911 of course, but you both knew it was too late. He was gone. After all, the words appeared.
When your soulmate says the last thing they will EVER say to you, it sticks. Against your skin, like a tattoo that never fades. A permanent reminder.

It's so cruel, because until that moment... You don't know.

Shortly after your mom and you got taken in by the church, which brings us to now.

You sigh, setting your bag down and glancing at the tall brunette in front of you.

She smiles, showing weird looking teeth, they were all square. And I mean SQUARE. Coarse looking hair was pinned into a messy bun. "Just a minute youngster, soon one of the maidens will be here, I believe Miss Komori is on duty today." You felt her strained cheerfulness, and sigh again.

When the door opened you lazily turn your head to look at 'Komori'.

It was the first time your world stuttered to a halt. In front of you stood the most beautiful girl you'd ever seen, shoulder length blonde hair that curled at the end and huge sherbet pink eyes that stared into your own. She was tiny, and you felt such an urge to protect her, like she needed it. Of course she didn't, the church was probably the safest place in the country. Your mom giggled at you as your mouth flopped open and closed.

The girl in front of you rushed forward, instantly showing concern. "Oh my! Are you okay?"

Flustered you said the first words that came to mind. "Your shoe's untied!" You're ever a wordsmith. She blushed, bending down to tie it, and thankfully giving you a moment to collect your scattered thoughts. "Er, I mean, I'm Y/n!" Her head moved up, now looking straight at you as she stood back up.

She smiled brightly, dusting her shorts. "I'm Yui! It's a pleasure to meet you!" The both of you just stood blushing at each other for several minutes while your mom finalized paperwork.

The brunette at the desk spoke up. "Miss Komori? Shouldn't you be showing L/n to their room?"

"O-oh yes! Of course! Erm, follow me please Mis-"

"Just Y/n is fine."

"R-right! Y/n! Just this way!"

It turned out that Yui did not know where she was going, she slowly got over her stammer however as she toured the abbey with you. Your breath caught every time she turned and smiled at you, your eyes lingered when the sun highlighted her features, your heart stuttered when she spoke. You thought you were going to die.

"-don't you think?"

"Huh?" You numbly tried to shake yourself out of a stupor.

She giggled, her hand moving to cover her mouth. "I asked if you thought that the design on this window looked beautiful with the sunset light."

"O-oh, well with you beside it it does!" You grinned. Then blushed when she gasped and you realized what you said. Real smooth.

The time after that flowed swiftly, faster then the cars that zoomed through the city.

Eventually Yui's father was moving to another parish.

And Yui...

She was moving to another country.

"We'll stay in touch!" Yui smiled, tears glossy in her eyes. "I have your contact on my phone!"

You gave a disheartened grin. "Yeah! O-of course we will..."

"Well... See you later Y/n!"

"Yui..." She turned to face you. You moved swiftly pressing your lips against her own, it was fast and bittersweet. "I love you." You turned, blushing as you walked away.

It was later that night that you would lay on your bed crying. When you saw her last words while changing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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