-Chapter Four-

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Your POV

I felt myself slipping away, my mind erasing the world around me and replacing it with the place I least wanted to see. I saw the restaurant we were at several months ago, everything in the clearest detail. Why was I here? Déjà vu?

I looked around, Levi there with me dressed in the same formal attire and wearing the little bit of hair gel he wanted to rinse out earlier. I felt like I wanted to keep staring at him, but something out of my control had me move my sight to the table, seeing him.

Nathan Melsburg was sitting at the center table, standing up upon seeing us enter.

"Sorry, I hope we didn't keep you waiting." I swiftly said to him, despite knowing that we arrived on time. The way I was speaking... I wasn't in control of my body anymore. What was happening to me? Why was I reliving the same day over again? I felt as if I was split into two people. I was feeling terrified, wanting to stop and run away since I knew exactly what was going to happen, but I also felt insanely calm, only with a little suspicion.

Melsburg assured us that we weren't late and that he had only arrived a few minutes ago himself, my eyesight being drawn to his scar. Suspicion rumbled deep within me as I glanced around at his body guards. He gave us the same explanation about how he had been getting threats and that he felt safer with his bodyguards nearby.

"Do the police need to look into the matter?" Levi inquired after sitting down and picking up a menu.

Melsburg politely declined Levi's offer and thanked us for quietly putting Sarah Lupul, the person he strategically framed, behind bars. He told us that other investigators were never shy about going to the press first, and that we were basically the first to do so. He also told us that since this was the case, we could order whatever we want and that he would be buying.

Everyone placed their order as the waiter arrived and what felt like moments later, our food had arrived. We talked about the case and how we kept everything under the radar. He wanted to learn more about our process. Now that I was seeing this again, I don't know why I found this conversation as normal. Knowing what I do now, I can see that he could have been planning something.

I so desperately wanted to say something. I wanted to move, get Levi and I to safety since I knew what was going to happen, but I couldn't move at all. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to go back to the apartment. I felt split in half, like I was trapped.

"Wow, that's incredible. I never really understood how much work went into these investigations." He commented after we finished informing him of how we did our investigations.

I jokingly replied, "Yeah, it's not as easy as it looks on TV."

Melsburg slightly chuckled and thanked us again for solving the case of the Grim Reaper. There was a slight pause before he continued speaking. "I'm sorry about what she did to your father and your family. No family should ever have to go through that." I heard it then, and I heard it now. Neither one of us told him about me and my father.

"It hasn't been easy, but..." I paused for a few seconds, coming again to this realization, "Ho-How did you know about my father?"

With asking that question, the entire atmosphere changed. He looked slightly shocked at my question, his mind scrambling to find an answer. I glanced over at Levi and he was starting to understand what was going on. Melsburg tried to cover up what he said with him claiming that he read an article about what happened to my father and that it mentioned my name.

"The article wouldn't have my name. I was a minor at the time." My voice became more stern as I spoke to him, now sure of what he had done. He tried to cover his other mistake by saying my mother gave the press consent, but I knew for a fact that she never spoke with them.

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