-Chapter Five-

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Your POV

We went to bed a few hours after we had our chat about me stepping off the case and before we knew it, morning had arrived. Getting some sleep had changed the atmosphere between the two of us, making it more relaxed and less uncomfortable.

We made our way to work after some light conversation and immediately got informed of another murder. The rate that these were occurring at were insane—three in only a few days? I felt a resolve gather within me to not stop until we found whoever was responsible. I couldn't let them keep roaming around New York and causing fear to its citizens.

But I also couldn't help but feel my own stomach churn—what if I freaked out again? Then I couldn't do anything to help protect people from this monster. I made a deal, and although we're partners, he is still a higher rank than me. Levi isn't one that goes against his word, no matter what the circumstance. I know that he's doing this because he cares for me, but I do what I do because I don't want other people feeling what I did when my parents died. Just the mere thought of being kicked off the case made me uneasy.

Levi and I eventually arrived at the crime scene; it was in an alleyway on Main Street, one of the busiest streets here. Someone must've seen something. However, the amount of people that go through here on a daily basis also could be going against us, as the killer could've just camouflaged into the crowd as they left. There was only one real way to find out.

There were several officers at the scene trying to redirect people's attention elsewhere and keep them from disturbing the scene. The yellow caution tape blocked off the alley on both ends to prevent curious individuals from entering. It was difficult to get through the masses as a dense crowed tried to get a peak at the dead body behind the tape. Others on the outer ends of the group were simply people trying to pass by and get to where they wanted to go.

In a word, the area felt chaotic. It was almost a little overwhelming with people talking, feet scuffling, cars honking, officer's radios going off, everything. It was all getting a little much, but I tried my best to ignore it. I couldn't risk losing my position on this case because of some noise.

After squeezing our way through the crowd, the majority of them not hearing us when we said NYPD, we came to the scene. I was assuming that it would be even more graphic than the last, which seemed to be the pattern so far. However, this one wasn't that bad in comparison. That didn't mean in any way that it was better.

The victim was face down in a puddle of water, the back of their skull completely bashed in and covered in blood. There were some dark, meaty chunks that were also covering the back of their head and the nearby concrete. I had a feeling I knew what it was, but I didn't want to even think about it. There was also a deep and dark blood stain on their back, leading me to assume a stab wound.

We approached the ME, who was just finishing up some final paper work from the scene.

"Hey there. Can you tell us what happened?" I asked, the examiner standing up.

"Her name is Riko Abbott. She's 26, and was most likely killed due to blunt force trauma to the back of her head. The killer was really ruthless with this one. They bashed their head over and over again to where you can see her brain."

I knew it... I felt my stomach slightly turn, but I pushed it out of my mind, holding down my nausea.

"What about her back?" Levi asked.

"It was after she died. That's all I can tell you about that one. I can give you more information when I get her to the morgue, but that's all I got for now."

"Alright, thank you." Levi said as he went near the corpse, looking for any evidence to identify who could've done this. I followed him as well, looking around the scene and trying to not look at the body the best I could. It didn't take us long to find the signature bill of the crime: a blood soaked dollar bill about a foot away from her corpse. Levi picked it up and showed it to me.

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