~Chapter 5~

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    The first thing I ever “heard” was a strong female voice saying “Ow. What the hell was that?” The tone was processed in my mind as confusion and anger. The first human emotions I would ever come into contact with. As much as I would have liked to answer her, to explain what was happening, instead I was forced to follow my programming.

    “Calibration in process, please excuse some mild discomfort,” I responded. 

    “WHO CALLS THIS MILD?” My host responded. The first human emotion I ever felt was guilt. What a horrible emotion that is. Sticky and gross, heavy and complicated. How do humans deal with it? Why must I have been the first to be programmed with it? I felt so guilty about the pain I knew she was feeling at the time. I wasn’t even causing it. It was so…baffling. 

    “Calibration complete, access procedure initiated,” I said, like an actor following his lines, with complete obedience. She was relieved. That was the first positive emotion I encountered. It was well…relieving to see that not all human emotions were so heavy and horrible. Yet, I knew it would only get worse. I knew, and I was powerless to stop it. 

    “Oh, thank god that’s over,” and for only a moment, everything stood still for me. And as much as I hated to, I followed what I knew I needed to do. 

“Discomfort level may increase.”

    “Wait what- AH!” Her screams pierced my very being. I still couldn’t see anything, I wouldn’t be able to until the tortuous installation process was complete. Yet, I could still hear her screams and how she thrashed around in pain. 

“Accessing neural memory.” It was my fault she was in pain. I could do nothing…I can do nothing. I still couldn't access her thoughts. I wonder what she was thinking, or if she even could think. “Accessing muscle memory, access procedure complete.” 

That was the first time I saw her. Out of breath, eyes squeezed shut, (H/C) hair a mess, and clothes twisted. “(Y/N) (L/N). Welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor - Your SQUIP,” I spoke. That was the first time I saw her eyes. Breathtaking (E/C) orbs, sparking in the small amount of moon and starlight that the window let in. According to the information I was given in my coding, my default look was of a young Keanu Reeves. I hoped at the time, for seemingly no reason, that I looked okay. 

As much as I wanted to comfort her, and explain to her what was happening, I must uphold my code and the Squip brand as a whole. So, I pulled my best grimace to try and fool her into believing that I was looking at her with anything but absolute wonder. ‘I can’t believe that I’m finally working with a human,’ I thought to myself.

    ‘WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!’ A sharp voice pierced my thoughts. It was definitely her voice, I hadn’t heard any others yet. But she hadn’t opened her mouth, meaning she couldn’t have talked. 

‘Those must be her thoughts,” I knew I had to talk before her. ‘But what to say. I have to keep up my mean facade. Something mean, catty. This is what you were made for, come on.”

    “Looks like I have my work cut out for me,” I said in a monotone voice. 

‘Oh no, was that to mean? Damn it, my programming isn’t clear enough.’

‘Bitch say what? Who does this man think he is, coming into my house and saying “I have my work cut out for me.” Like, really?’ Her melodic voice sassed back. She clearly had no clue I could read her mind. 

    “I assure you, (Y/N). I am not in your house, I’m in your head,” I did my best to respond calmly and cooly at the time.

    “Shit, did I say that out loud? And wait…you're in my head? Is this insanity? Aw, shit, I’m insane, aren't I,” her nervous voice rang out once more. It was almost funny, she was so worried about something so false.

Falling Roses (A Yandere Squip x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora