-Chapter 8-

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Last Time

‘I’m never listening to you again,’ I thought. ‘How could you make me spend that much?’
“Simple, you needed new clothes. I got you knew clothes. Easy.”
‘But did I need so many?’
“Yes. Now get in the car, we have places to be.”
‘If it’s more shopping you better get out now.’
“I can’t get out. I’m in your head.”
‘Damn it.’

The girl frowned down at the rotten mess of roses. She had just found a bouquet that she forgot to get rid of after she replaced them. They had been the same bright yellow as the ones she had bought with her Squip last week, but now they were a dirty and rotten green. After misplacing them in a drawer a few months ago she had completely forgotten about them, and now they had a nasty stench surrounding them. ‘Squip, remind me to throw out the new yellow roses when they start to wilt, I don’t want to have to do this again,’ she thought to the supercomputer she was now starting to think of as her friend. She held the rotten roses by her rubber gloved hand, hands stretched out in front of her.
“Of course, this is disgusting. I never want to have to see these roses again,” he responded. She quickly finished making her way to the kitchen trash can and threw out the roses, and rushed to take off her gloves and throw them away too.  
‘Thanks, Squipy,’ she said, as she walked back to her room to get ready for the day. Her room was the same bright pink as always, and as she maneuvered her way to the dresser she cringed at the intensity of the color. ‘What should I wear today?’
“Black long sleeve with dark blue jeans…and the gray beanie,” he replied quickly. “It’s going to be cold, but I’ll be able to heat you up again.”
Her fingers reached into the drawer that held all her new shirts. The drawer was significantly less full than it was, the clothing only took about half of the available space. She was forced to get rid of almost all her clothes, except for a shirt that her mother had gotten her and a few pairs of jeans. She grabbed the dark shirt and closed the drawer before reaching for another drawer that held her pants.
After she grabbed her pants she got up and grabbed her backpack off the floor. Walking to her bathroom to change, she finished up the routine. “Deactivate.”

---------------------Time Skip---------------------

She walked lightly, happily strutting along through the halls of her school. Her first class had gone smoothly, as it had been going for the last week. She had to admit that having a supercomputer in your head could definitely have its advantages. She trotted to her next class, (Worst Subject), which used to be her worst class. Not anymore, because now with her Squips help (Y/N) was the best in the class.
Up ahead in the busy halls she saw her two friends walking towards her. She waved at them and picked up her pace to meet them. When she got closer she noticed that they looked…mad. ‘Strange, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Emma mad before,’ she thought, mostly to herself but of course, her Squip heard it too. ‘Anne, definitely. But not Emma.’
“(Y/N), I urge you to walk the other way. Do not engage with them,” her Squip said in an urgent and stressed tone. The girl perked up, confused. She knew very well that her Squip didn’t sound stressed easily.
‘Are you okay-’
“Walk the other way, NOW!” That was enough to get her to walk the other way in the crowd. She had never heard her Squip quite this worried, and that made her scared enough to start and walk hurrying the other way down the hall.
“(Y/N)!” The strong, feminine voice had cut through the hallway leaving (Y/N) frozen like a deer in headlights.
“Now is not the time to stop. Keep moving,” her Squip said starting to look panicked. She did not move, and for a moment in time, it had felt like everything stood still.
Anne rushed up, her hair fluttered behind her. “What’s your damage (Y/N)!” (Y/N) continued to stand there before she snapped out of it.
“What do you mean?” She asked timidly, in a small whispery voice. Her normally (S/C) skin had faded to at least two shades lighter.
“You know what I mean. You’ve been acting so weird since last Tuesday. You’ve been ignoring us, avoiding us. What the hell?! Who do you think you are?” She yelled into her friends face. At this point, Emma had caught up to her.
“Now look, Anne. I know you’re mad. To tell you the truth, I’m pretty pissed too. But let’s let this worthless piece of shit we called a friend explain herself,” she said.
“What are you talking about? I haven’t seen either of you all week! I just thought you were sick!”
“Are you really using that piss poor excuse with us?” Anne said. “We’ve been trying to get your attention all week!”
“That can’t be true!” Realization washed over her. “Unless-I mean maybe. He can control my body temperature,” her voice had fallen to a whisper. Nonetheless, her friends heard.
“Who? Oh no, did you take one of those awful pills?” Emma said, her angry voice falling to a motherly worried tone. (Y/N)’s Squip was pacing around the girls in circles, he looked more panicked than she ever imagined possible.
“They’re really helpful -” (Y/N) started.
“Oh no. No no no no no. We have to get you Mountain Dew Red before it tries to take over the entire school. That’s what Brooke says deactivates it.”
“Takes over-! He would never do that! He’s been great, he’s helpful, and really quite nice!”
“HE?! What!”
“Yes, h-”
“You blind bitch! You’re such an asshole! You ignored us for a computer!”
With her (E/C) eyes brimming with tears she turned her back on her ex-friends. Her Squip followed close behind as she ran away. She ran out of the main doors and sat down on the bench that was right next to the steps that lead up to the school. No tears fell from her eyes, but she sniffled a bit and tried to get her breathing under control. She felt the weight of an arm on her shoulder. Her head shot up and looked to the source of the arm. The young Keanu Reeves look-alike was sitting next to her, his arm draped on her shoulders.
“I’m not actually here. I can just control your nerve endings to make it seem like I’m touching you.”
She looked back down, feeling rather stupid. ‘Oh.’ She sat there, she let her breath slow and the redness in her eyes fade away. ‘Wait. Why couldn’t I see them all week?’
He looked down in guilt. “It’s called Optic Nerve Blocking. I have access to your optic nerves. I have been blocking Anne and Emma from your field of vision.”
“What!?” She said aloud, causing a few strange looks in her direction.
“Please calm down.”
‘Don’t tell me to calm down! You did something that ruined two of my friendships without my permission!’
“I can explain-”
‘No, no you can’t.’

Falling Roses (A Yandere Squip x reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant