I'll Get You (Jasper x Hybrid!character)

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Sky walked beside Garnet with her eyes scanning the forest around them. Everything was covered in snow. Sky frowned.

"Do we really have to check in again?" Sky asked.

"Jasper was here. I hope we could track her down." Garnet answered.

Sky kicked the snow with her boots. "Well, we got to use the hard way. Snow seemed pretty thick since there was a blizzard, according to Steven. I think we should split up."

Garnet looked at Sky. It's hard to understand what Garnet's trying to say behind those visors. "I wasn't expecting you to choose that path, Sky."

"Well, I have to be unpredictable. Life might be dull if you keep going into your comfort zone." Sky said.

Garnet simply chuckled. "Much of that is your principle and yet it brought quite a lot of danger to a hybrid like you." Sky rolled her eyes with a smile on her lips. "I'll take this way. Be predictable if you're in danger."

Sky nodded. "Will do."

Garnet took her path while Sky took the other path. Her walk was quite. Strangely quiet. Usually, there would be at least a herd of deers or some wolves but there wasn't any in sight. Then, Sky's mind wandered off. What will she do if she found Jasper? Would she attack Jasper? Poof her like most gems? Sky sighed. Jasper is a perfect cut gem. Jasper could poof Sky in a matter of seconds despite Sky's experience in combat. Well, what's gonna happen will happen.

From a cliff, Sky was being watched by Jasper. Oh yes, the one and only Jasper. Sky was on a search for Jasper but Jasper found Sky first. What an irony. A smile appeared on Jasper's face. That hybrid. Sky caught Jasper's attention ever since Jasper first landed on Earth. It may not be a pleasant meeting but Sky's skills and beauty could sweep Jasper off her feet. Jasper had been hunting down for Sky, hoping that she could see Sky. Maybe keep Sky as her own.

Suddenly, a growl echoed through the forest. Sky stopped immediately. A light flashed and a sword appeared in her hand. Sky's senses became all aware of her surroundings. Out of nowhere, a corrupted gem pounced onto her, pinning Sky to the snowy ground.

"Agh!" Sky shouted.

She swung her sword towards the monster's leg, freeing herself from being pinned down. The monster growled angrly and charged towards Sky. Sky used all her might to defend herself and to attack the corrupted gem. When Sky was least expecting, the monster slashed Sky's figure. Sky fell flat on her back with her arm, bleeding. Sky screamed with pain in her voice. Before the monster could have a chance to hurt Sky more, someone knocked the monster down. In a matter of seconds, the monster poofed. Sky lifted her head up a bit.


Jasper looked at Sky with a small smile. "Nice to see you again, Sky."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Jasper carried a badly injured Sky towards a cave. She laid Sky on the ground. Sky leaned against the wall, still holding back her pain. Jasper looked at Sky.

"Is there anything I could help?" Jasper asked with concern.

Sky painfully took off her jacket and gave it to Jasper. Jasper looked at it questioningly. "Tear a long piece for me."

Although still a bit confused, Jasper obliged and tore off Sky's jacket. She, then, gave the piece to Sky. Sky took it and wrapped it around her wound. Sky let out a breath.

"I need to make a detour to the sanctuary." Sky mumbled. She turned her head towards Jasper. "How did you found me?"

"I have been following you, Sky."

"You even remembered my name!"

"You're different, Sky. I've been looking for you ever since I was defused from Malachite." Jasper explained.

Sky smacked her face. "The irony is that I've been looking for you to poof you." Sky sighed. "Why were you looking for me? For all I know, we've been kicking each other's ass and Garnet almost destroyed you in the ship."

"I know it wasn't a pleasant meeting but your skills amazed me. I've never seen such hybrid in Homeworld. So perfect." Jasper said dreamily with her eyes bore into Sky's. Sky blushed.

"Hehehe..." Sky laughed awkwardly. But then, Sky realises something. "Oh stars. You're really making my job harder than it already is. I was just supposed to look for you and now you saved my life! I can't just poof you." Jasper simply smiled. "What are you smiling at?"

"I'm glad I didn't misjudged you." Jasper said.

Sky sighed and rested her head against the wall. "I don't get it. You're interested in me but yet, you want to shatter my friends. I know how angry you were when Pink Diamond was shattered. I was angry with Rose too." Sky stood up and looked at Jasper. "But that anger didn't overpower me because gratitude is what I felt. Rose offered me a place where I could actually be myself. But I won't force you to change your ways." Sky took a deep breath. "I won't turn you in Jasper. I...I owe you my life."

"Would I be seeing you again?" Jasper asked.

Sky smiled. "You'll always find a way to find me. Besides, you found me first."

Sky started walking back into the forest. Jasper watched Sky until she slowly fades. Jasper looked at her hands and clenched it. I'll get you. Someday.

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